Alpha Centauri Geographic Location in The Haunted Stars | World Anvil
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Alpha Centauri

Proxima Centauri was a surprise to many. The closest star system to Sol, it was an obvious choice for early FTL experiments, a simple test to see if the D-Drive worked by traveling to the closest star system. Imagine the surprise when a terracompatible system was discovered a mere dozen AU from the ship’s exit point. Proxima Centauri was the first extrasolar system colonized by mankind, and as such enjoyed a large number of immigrants from Sol, both forced and volunteers, during the Diaspora. But in short time, Alpha Centauri A and B both were colonized, and the bulk of the population from Earth to these new colonies. Proxima was passed by thanks to its lack of gas giants or valuable mining sources and remained a colony of respectable wealth, but without the power of other colonies with greater corporate support. Aside from Destiny, Proxima is surprisingly bare, home to only a few other small, rocky planetoids, and a sparse asteroid belt.
Solar System

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