Eldai Species in The Hallowed Expanse | World Anvil
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"We are the children of the Sun, of Akan, and we carry his flame through the darkness of time"
Sun Elves are a magic-touched tribal empire of zealous fire worship. Originating from the jungles of Kapsaka they forge massive temples that reach out to their God, from whom they believe to be direct descendants. The Sun Elves are a passionate people valuing decisive action, explosive art, and following one's desires without inhibition.


A Dying People

Cursed a thousand years ago, the sun elf birth rate has dropped rapidly. Between significantly slowed population growth and an ever growing need for more mortal sacrifices to appease the Sun God Akan, the elves are desperate for a solution to their ailment. Looking to the stars and the ancient knowledge of The Golden Horde, the Necromancers of Anzez work day and night to find a cure. 

Reaching for the Sky

Sun Elves, as one would expect, feel a call to the sun. They tend to be taller than most races, ranging from 5-7 feet tall. Their coloration range is similar to that of humans but tends to be more commonly dark tan. Hair and eye colors tend to be bright and warm, with golds, reds, and yellows assumed to be a sign of a more direct lineage to Akan. Their clothing tends to reflect this, prioritizing warm colors, and gold jewelry is often worn.

As Undying as the Sun

Sun Elves live roughly 200-500 years, but those of wealth often have their lives extended through fire magic. Necromancy is not seen as a taboo, rather as an extension of the Sun's eternal life. High-ranking sun priests often partake in mortal sacrifice, offering the hearts of morals atop their massive temples, to summon the flames of Akan to reanimate fallen heroes.

Being a decisive and hot-headed people, they have quickly risen to supremacy on Kapsaka. They have formed tight relationships with the Gurun and Croca, whom share a similar-enough dogma to allow for easy integration into their empire.

The Great Temples

Sun Elf Society combines rural agricultural traditions with a developed urbanized society of complex specializations and hierarchies. The center of their urbanization is Anzez, with a population well over 100,000. Their various urban centers serve as major religious, political, and economic centers for their entire population. At the center of their society is the grand temple of Akan, a massive stepped pyramid leading up to a shrine.

Sun Elf Names

  Male: Cecnu, Chalephru, Drerec, Elno, Lidrasi, Mabimni, Migi Obabnu, Phidorno, Raluid, Tulnu, Ziokly
Female: Abishra, Bakuss, Bhirre, Chomvedo, Ivyc, Kencarn, Midordu, Pisuba, Omuknu, Umdrah, Yneth
Neutral: Bieknuc, Forlos, Grylgac, Okzen, Tarral, Tomzekh, Veklul
Surnames: Chadirae, Drugon, Idanvric, Ivri Kegra, Khignish, Moldra, Simrus, Undre, Yososh, Zamrero
Art Credits:
Aztec City Concept Art by Noe Leyva
Tribal Elf by HELMUTT
Geographic Distribution
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Ancestry Class

As a Sun Elf, you gain access to the Necromancer class.

  As a Sun Elf, you also gain access to the following additional subclasses from Valds:
  • Druid: Circle of the Wyrm
  • Monk: Way of the Bow
  • Paladin: Oath of the Sun

Ability Score Increase

Your charisma score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score by 1.


Sun elves reach adulthood around 50 and typically live up to 500, but can live much longer with access to necromantic magic.


Sun elves range from 5 to over 7 feet tall and have slender builds. Your size is Medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Flame of Akan

You know the Produce Flame cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Burning Hands spell once with this trait as a 1st-level spell, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells

Cults of Flame

You gain proficiency in the Religion skill.

Fire Resistance

You have resistance to fire damage.


You can speak, read, and write Common and Elvish.

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