Radhan Ethnicity in The Ground | World Anvil
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The Radhan ethnicity is defined by its duergar lineage and its adaptation to the harsh underground environment of Radha within The Night Realm. Duergar, also known as gray dwarves, are a subterranean race renowned for their resilience, tenacity, and mastery of craftsmanship. Radhans possess distinctive physical features characteristic of duergar, including gray skin, stout builds, and keen, piercing eyes accustomed to the perpetual darkness of their underground realm.

Culturally, Radhans are deeply ingrained in a militaristic society, where strength, discipline, and loyalty are paramount virtues. From a young age, Radhan children are groomed for combat, undergoing rigorous training and indoctrination into the warrior ethos of their people. Military service is compulsory for all Radhans, and they are raised with a sense of duty and sacrifice for the defense of Radha against external threats, particularly their eternal rivals, the Umbrathi sun elves.

Despite their formidable appearance and martial prowess, Radhans also possess a strong sense of community and kinship. Clan ties are important among Radhans, providing a sense of belonging and solidarity within their tightly knit society. While individualism is valued to some extent, loyalty to the collective is prioritized, and Radhans will readily lay down their lives for the greater good of Radha. Overall, Radhans embody the resilience, unity, and unwavering determination of a people shaped by the unforgiving depths of The Night Realm.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Afo, Aghe, Amo, Aro, Bik, Brin, Brone, Brors, Busso, Ceyo, Daro, Dendo, Donder, Dorud, Druk, Duik, Eho, Fumra, Gadra, Gam, Garrad, Gif, Gnash, Gogga, Gor, Grilos, Gufa, Hath, Hird, Ifo, Jag, Keel, Kirvod, Krido, Leer, Lito, Meli, Mish, Mond, Nirro, Norg, Olza, Ongu, Ordeg, Peho, Plaag, Rakha, Ranga, Renge, Rorm, Serp, Sido, Skerm, Stem, Strelko, Tatho, Thallo, Thavo, Thayo, Thelg, Thelo, Thith, Thruun, Todan, Undrok, Uzzin, Vanyo, Vatho, Vefei, Vemei, Vido, Vlam, Vraat, Vurk, Wello, Worg, Zan, Zoclo


Shared customary codes and values

Honor and Valor

Radhans place a high value on honor and valor, with individuals expected to demonstrate courage, bravery, and integrity in all aspects of life. Acts of heroism in battle are celebrated and rewarded, while cowardice and betrayal are viewed with contempt.

Duty and Loyalty

Duty and loyalty to Radha and its Supreme Commander are paramount values in Radhan society. Individuals are expected to prioritize the collective goals of their nation over personal interests, willingly sacrificing themselves for the greater good of their people.

Strength and Resilience

Physical and mental strength, as well as resilience in the face of adversity, are admired qualities among Radhans. The harsh underground environment of Radha necessitates toughness and endurance, traits that are valued and cultivated from a young age.

Practicality and Resourcefulness

Practicality and resourcefulness are essential values in Radhan society, where survival often depends on making the most of limited resources and adapting to challenging circumstances. Radhans are encouraged to be inventive and efficient in their endeavors, finding innovative solutions to overcome obstacles.

Common Etiquette rules

Respect for Authority

Radhans are expected to show deference and respect towards those in positions of authority, including military commanders, elders, and leaders. This may involve addressing them with formal titles and following their orders without question.

Discipline and Obedience

Discipline and obedience are highly valued in Radhan society, and individuals are expected to adhere to rules and regulations without hesitation. Disruptive behavior or insubordination may be met with swift and severe consequences.

Courteous Communication

Radhans communicate with directness and clarity, avoiding unnecessary pleasantries or formalities. They value honesty and straightforwardness in their interactions, prioritizing efficiency and effectiveness in communication.

Sharing Resources

In the underground environment of Radha, resources are scarce, and sharing is essential for survival. Radhans practice etiquette by sharing food, water, and other resources with their fellow inhabitants, prioritizing the needs of the community over individual desires.

Common Dress code

Armor and Protective Gear

Given their constant state of conflict, Radhans often wear armor or protective gear to safeguard themselves in battle. This could range from leather or metal armor plates to helmets, gauntlets, and shin guards, depending on their role and rank in the military.

Military Insignia and Emblems

Radhans display their allegiance and rank through military insignia and emblems adorned on their clothing and armor. These symbols may include clan crests, unit insignia, or the emblem of Radha itself, serving as badges of honor and identity among the duergar warriors.

Practical Footwear

Radhans wear sturdy boots or shoes suitable for traversing the rocky terrain of Radha's caves. Their footwear is designed to provide traction and protection against sharp rocks and uneven surfaces, ensuring mobility and stability in all conditions.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Victory Celebrations

After a successful battle or military campaign, Radhans immediately celebrate on the battlefield the moment the last enemy falls. These celebrations are spontaneous and filled with jubilation, featuring feasting, music, dancing, and rituals to honor fallen comrades and commemorate their victory..

Clan Gatherings and Assemblies

Radhans belonging to the same clan or military unit often gather for clan meetings and assemblies to discuss matters of importance, strategize for future battles, and reaffirm their allegiance to Radha and its Supreme Commander. These gatherings foster unity and solidarity among clan members.

Weapon Crafting and Enchanting

Radhans engage in the craft of weapon making and enchantment, forging blades and armor with intricate designs and magical enhancements. Before battle, weapons and armor are enchanted by skilled enchanters to imbue them with protective charms and magical properties for enhanced combat effectiveness.

Feasts and Gatherings

Feasting is a common custom in Radhan society, serving as a time for bonding, camaraderie, and celebration. Radhans gather for communal meals to share stories, exchange knowledge, and strengthen social bonds, fostering a sense of community and solidarity.

Training and Skill Development

Continuous training and skill development are integral customs in Radhan society, as warriors strive to hone their combat skills and improve their tactical prowess. Training sessions, drills, and mock battles are conducted regularly to ensure readiness for conflict.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Heart Consumption Ritual

Upon discovering her pregnancy, the expectant Radhan woman undergoes a ritual known as the Heart Consumption. In this ceremony, she consumes the raw heart of a slain enemy warrior, believed to imbue her with the strength, courage, and ferocity necessary for childbirth and motherhood. The heart is ritually prepared and offered to her by elder shamans or priestesses, who invoke the blessings of the gods for a safe delivery and healthy child. The Heart Consumption ritual is witnessed by members of the Radhan community, who gather to support and honor the pregnant woman as she partakes in this sacred rite. The community acknowledges her bravery and commitment to her role as a mother and protector of Radha, reinforcing the collective bonds of kinship and solidarity among the duergar warriors. Consuming the raw heart symbolizes the pregnant woman's willingness to embrace the warrior spirit within herself and pass it on to her unborn child. It is believed to transfer the essence of the fallen enemy warrior to the mother and child, granting them strength, resilience, and protection against adversity in The Night Realm.

Birthing Rituals

During childbirth, the pregnant woman is surrounded by a circle of trusted companions, including female relatives, friends, and midwives. The birthing chamber is adorned with protective symbols and incense, creating a sacred space for the delivery.

Coming of Age Rites

Combat Trials

Young Radhans undergo a series of brutal combat trials as part of their coming-of-age rites. Paired off against each other, they engage in fights to the death, testing their martial skills, courage, and resilience in battle. The winners of each fight advance to the next round, while the losers are eliminated from the competition. The combat trials continue with each round, as the surviving Radhans face off against increasingly skilled opponents. Only those who emerge victorious in three consecutive fights are deemed worthy of completing the coming-of-age rites and earning their place as full-fledged warriors of Radha.

Oath of Allegiance

Radhans who survive the grueling combat trials swear a solemn oath of allegiance to Radha and its Supreme Commander. They pledge their loyalty, bravery, and sacrifice in service to their nation, committing themselves to the defense and prosperity of Radha and its people.

Ceremonial Tattoos

Upon swearing their oath of allegiance, the young Radhans receive ceremonial tattoos as symbols of their achievement and dedication to Radha. These tattoos mark their identity as warriors of Radha and serve as badges of honor within the community.

Feasting on the Fallen

Following the completion of the coming-of-age rites, the community gathers for a great feast and celebration. During this feast, the bodies of those who failed to survive the combat trials are consumed by the community, honoring their sacrifice and ensuring that their strength lives on within their comrades.

Funerary and Memorial customs


In Radhan society, the customary approach to mourning and remembrance diverges significantly from conventional practices. Eschewing traditional funerary and memorial rites, Radhans honor their fallen comrades in a unique manner: by consuming their remains. Following battle, fallen Radhan warriors are respectfully prepared for consumption, their bodies meticulously butchered and divided among the community. This ritualistic act of consumption is regarded as a solemn tribute, with Radhans believing that by consuming the flesh of the fallen, they absorb their strength, courage, and spirit, ensuring their legacy lives on within the community. This unconventional practice serves as a visceral reminder of the sacrifices made in the defense of Radha, fostering a profound sense of unity and camaraderie among its inhabitants as they collectively mourn and honor their fallen brethren.

Common Taboos

Disrespecting Authority

Showing disrespect or insubordination towards military commanders, elders, or leaders is considered a grave taboo in Radhan society. Radhans are expected to show deference and obedience to those in positions of authority, and any challenge to their authority is met with swift and severe punishment.

Wasting Resources

In the harsh underground environment of Radha, resources are scarce and precious. Wasting food, water, or other essential resources is considered taboo, as it jeopardizes the survival of the community. Radhans are expected to be frugal and resourceful, using only what is necessary for their needs.

Desertion in Battle

Deserting one's comrades in battle is a dishonorable act that is strictly taboo among Radhans. Cowardice and abandonment of duty are seen as unforgivable offenses, as they jeopardize the safety and well-being of the entire community. Those who desert in battle are branded as traitors and are often hunted down and punished accordingly.

Refusing Combat or Challenge

Radhans are expected to embrace combat and challenge as essential aspects of their warrior culture. Refusing to engage in combat or shying away from challenges is considered cowardly and dishonorable, tarnishing one's reputation and standing within the community.


Beauty Ideals

Spiked Teeth

Spiked teeth are considered very attractive by Radhans. Many Radhans may undergo cosmetic procedures to sharpen their teeth with a chisel, as it is seen as a sign of strength and fierceness.

Tattoos and Body Modifications

Radhans may adorn themselves with intricate tattoos, scarification, or piercings as a form of self-expression and beauty enhancement. These markings could symbolize achievements in battle or allegiance to certain clans or factions.

Natural Features

Despite their harsh environment, Radhans may appreciate natural beauty and features such as strong jawlines, prominent cheekbones, and piercing eyes. These traits could be seen as attractive and desirable in both male and female Radhans.

Muscular and Fit Physique

In a society where military service is compulsory, physical strength and fitness would be highly prized attributes. Radhans may admire individuals with muscular and toned bodies, as it reflects their dedication to martial prowess and defense of Radha.

Resilience and Scars

Scars earned in battle could be viewed as badges of honor among the Radhans, signifying resilience and bravery. Individuals with visible scars may be considered particularly attractive, as they have proven themselves in combat.

Bold and Assertive Personality

Radhans may value confidence, assertiveness, and assertive personalities in their peers and romantic partners. Traits such as courage, determination, and leadership skills may be seen as attractive qualities indicative of strength and resilience.

Gender Ideals

Equality in Military Service

Both men and women in Radha are expected to serve in the military, emphasizing equality in combat roles and responsibilities. Physical strength, combat skills, and bravery are valued regardless of gender.

Resilience and Strength

Radhan gender ideals emphasize resilience, strength, and endurance, traits necessary for survival in their harsh underground environment. Both men and women are expected to demonstrate these qualities in all aspects of life.

Leadership and Assertiveness

Leadership qualities such as assertiveness, decisiveness, and strategic thinking are admired in both genders. Individuals who demonstrate leadership potential are encouraged to pursue positions of authority within the military or society.

Maternal Responsibilities

In Radhan society, women are entrusted with the primary responsibility of raising their children. While romantic relationships and familial ties are not prevalent, the role of mothers as caregivers remains essential for the upbringing of the next generation. Without the presence of fathers in their children's lives, Radhan women take on the full burden of nurturing, teaching, and protecting their offspring. From infancy to adulthood, mothers instill resilience, strength, and the values of Radhan culture in their children, preparing them to contribute to the perpetuation of their militaristic society.

Relationship Ideals

In Radha, the concept of romantic relationships as commonly understood in other societies is virtually non-existent. Instead, intimacy and physical interaction are not bound by traditional notions of romance or exclusivity. With a society focused on perpetual conflict and militaristic pursuits, Radhans prioritize duty, loyalty, and survival above personal connections. Interactions between individuals may be driven by impulse and base needs rather than emotional attachment, often occurring spontaneously during moments of celebration or camaraderie, such as after a victorious battle. As a result, Radhan society lacks the structured framework of romantic relationships and families, with individuals forming transient connections based on shared experiences and physical attraction. Despite the absence of traditional relationships, Radhans forge deep bonds through their shared struggles and commitment to the collective goals of their underground civilization.

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