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The Greenwold Pirates, Dragons and Navies

Season of Pirates

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War and chaos plague the hearts of the oldest races that inhabit the Greenwold from the deep plains to the Great Sea... Even centuries later, in the Age of Discovery, survivors of a violent invasion, bloody draconic raids and mass genocides still cower at the echoes of ancient powers.   Four major cities rose from the ashes as mortal races' memories faded. Now, disconnected noble families struggle for influence while dragons and interplanar species back pirate lords and foreign navies to redistribute actual wealth. Within and between the cities the people of the Greenwold either compete with bandits on land to build a stable life, or risk their lives on the Great Sea for the chance at something more...   The crash of a shooting star has awakened long-sleeping giants and rallied every-day people to action. A fallen star is rumored to have the ability to grant any wish to its discoverer, so the many factions, families, kingdoms and power-mongers that make up what little organization there is in the world all race to recover it. So, Cendrail the Stargazer races to beat those that would use its power for evil. With the support of the Adventurer's Guild, he hired adventurers to locate an artifact that could track the star's final resting place. As our heroes follow the artifact and collect the star one piece at a time, the already unstable powers of the Greenwold shift even faster.


Quest for the Fallen Star

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Heroes racing to the Fallen Star before the powers that be reach it...