Vial of Unspeakable Muck Item in The Great Tree | World Anvil

Vial of Unspeakable Muck

As seen in

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The muck has a quality that makes it a wonderfully useful tool while venturing out into the Northern Wastes. It is a phenomenal deterrent for animals, insects, and nasties. Why Gnomes, Dwarves, and humans are not affected the same way, remains unknown. However, once a vial of the goo is opened, the birds go quiet and flee, whatever is trailing you will run.

Manufacturing process

Because the fluid is found in the wild, there are teams of entrepreneurial souls who go and collect the muck. They use containers of various sizes, though all are meant to be disposed of afterward. One needs only a container that needs to be both airtight and resistant to light.  
The need for a light resistance is because the fluid loses potency if left alone in direct sunlight. Wonder then it is that the craters have a canopy of leaves and needles above them. One only needs to go collect the material, and profit from the venture, though finding anyone who would want to go collect the skin staining substance is difficult.


The substance is found in the craters dotting the eastern and western edges of the Ilroi Mountain range. While the mountains themselves continue to grow from the tectonic plates moving into each other, the surrounding areas of the region are slowly eroding away into the Ilori Sea. This is due to the fact that much of the forests that grow here sit upon a karst landscape filled with caves, crevices and bottomless pits.  
That being said, the craters found in the region have a substance that is recognized by modern engineers and Artificers. The substance is thought to be the decaying matter of the forest around them, though highly filtered as it passes through the porous landscape. It has been noted by many venturing around and exploring the area that the substance is by no means oil.  
The dark brown sludge has a scentless stench. You can tell it when you smell it, however, you can’t particularly place it. Described as acrid, some say sweet, while others say it is smokey. None can say definitely.


A few other more niche uses are; that the goo is used as a weak adhesive, useful for temporary use, or at least for anything not meant to withstand more than a few days of use. It also has a place in the fragrance industry as a base in the same way ambergris is used. It is typically used as a base that is diluted in strong alcohol.  
It has seen a rise in popularity in the City of Huron for many of these reasons. The Catchers of the Zybtine loathe the substance as the residents have begun making great use of the viscous fluid to deter pests from homes and warehouses.
“Don’t you dare open that in the house, boy. Otherwise you can go run after the dog this time.” Huronian Mother to her child, as she watched him grab one of the vials out the cupboard.
Depends on the vessel
Base Price
20 coins per oz


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