The Slash Building / Landmark in The Great Tree | World Anvil

The Slash

This is located on the southern coast of the inland sea. This multifaceted valley network is said to be created from a great battle between a god and a powerful monster. The area contains 27 valleys in a small area. It is told that this area is the place of a great battle between a dead god, and a Alchemical Hydra. Where the sword strikes of the god and the powerful blasts of the beast carved away huge chunks of earth, and vaporized them. Not just destroying them, these piece of rock ceased to exist. As evidenced by the geological surveys conducted at the mouth of the inland sea, no evidence of these rocks have ever shown up anywhere. This area is now home to a vast Fjord network and a healthy forest, so either the god or the Hydra died here. For nothing could facilitate such a bountiful area.


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