Salandrahth Character in The Great Tree | World Anvil


Salandrahth is a Gorgon woman that left her home county in East of the Great lake decades ago. She left due to a political uprising that persecuted non-humans in great pogrom's, fearing for her life she never returned. She found the City of Glaion and its welcoming culture a nice surprise after the City of Huron treated her like a second class citizen.   She found the Bar room as an empty building and purchased it for a fraction of what it was worth. She has spent the last thirty years building it up to its legendary status it is now. She has a vast amount of connections in the city that get her a variety of benefits. Her favorite ones are the inside the court, that get her out the property taxes of the city and give her more political power inside the city. She acts as an informant for the Baron, and any other political figures for a price.   Her general modus operandi is having plain clothes listeners in her bar at all times, they join in all the political talks in the shadowy corners of the bar. They inform her, and she pays them out depending on what they learn. Though she will pay for whatever information she can get.   A gracious and welcoming hostess to the bar, she is generally considered a pleasure to talk to. She will talk to any patron of the bar for as long as they want. She will continue a conversation across the bar, as she brings drinks to the other tables. So continuing a conversation with her is quite a bit of stop and go, but, she will pick off exactly where it left off. This sometimes startles patrons, as she will come back hours later and remember the entire conversation.
"Maybe you shouldn't talk like that to the one pouring the drinks, Master. Now, since you wanted to cheat Mirion out of your agreed deal, you are going to pay double, and buy everyone a round.", She looked up, and said a ,little louder "Maybe you should look around, you really ought not start anything inside my Bar".  The entire bar was watching the table, as the bandit slid his sword back in his sheathe. "Good boy"
Bright Yellow
Copper scaled snakes for hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Torso is lightly tanned, and has copper scales

Articles under Salandrahth


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