Necromancer Rank/Title in The Great Tree | World Anvil



       They typically manifest in three main strains of magic, each having a different connection, but the same main base Domain Talent . All Necromancers have a Domain of Earth, a Greater Talent for time and life. These are supplemented by a few different connections.    


     Physical Necromancers are relatively self explanatory. These necromancers tend to be the most rare, only one ever having been named. This being the same "Mumit'' as the one the Caliphate learned from. This caster was able to raise the recent dead, and allowed them to speak with the living. Though much speculation and conjecture was made in the beginning about whether or not the Necromancer was the one controlling their speech. This was debunked by confirming information only the deceased would know, and silencing the necromancer spell with the help of a few holymen.         This Necromancer had a very strong connection to reality and dreams. Mumit used the earth to bind both of the concepts of dreams and reality to raise the dead for a short period of time.  


     Astral is the ability to summon the dead in a non-corporeal form. This is usually in the form of a shade, poltergeist, ghost or spirit. This ability has been the most common, which also has the added benefit of having no time limit of the dead. Meaning the caster need only concentrate, with a fairly accurate description of whom they wish to speak to, and they can summon their spirit to do so. While this isn't necessarily the only way to do this, some do just cast their minds out to whomever they come across to do the same thing. Though this is seen more as a wild card, and the caster is not entirely in control of the situation with the ghost.        Astral Necromancers have a strong connection to memory.  


       The caster is able to transport their own spirit to one of the dead from either direction in time. However, this ability is limited to how old the necromancer is. The older the necromancer the farther out in time they can commune. If someone dies within the casters life span at the time of communion, the necromancer can speak with them. This has led to some rather prophetic events in some countries, where the necromancer can foretell the deaths of people should they wish to know.        Temporal necromancers ironically enough do not have any stronger connection to time than any other, but what they do have a strong connection to is the cosmos.


Necromancers are extremely rare, only a few dozen have ever been officially verified and thus recognized. Many of the early signs for having this strain of magic are: A child having an imaginary friend for an unusually long time. Many having claimed their friend into their late teens. Another sign is having frequent night terror into their early adulthood. It is usually found out much later that the mother of the necromancer miscarried a second child or one of a set of twins was a still born.        The first necromancer's were never feared, but seen as a blessing. In this time these casters were given the task of communing with the dead or allowing the deceased family members to speak with them shortly after their death. These casters were given an ostentatious amount of respect in whatever culture they appeared in. This was mainly due to the fact that early history tends to describe some cataclysmic event.
"It has never been described with any sense of reality... Though all cultures across the continent have a similar story depicting an event that 'broke the skies'." -Head Librarian of the Mhuzelti Monastery, Hjalt Misry

Cultural Significance

Depending on who you ask, these people have shaped many of the legends surrounding the afterlife. While it exists as a envitability, death cannot exist while one is alive. This being said, the Caliphates afterlife was shaped after learning from a Necromancer that simply was known as "Mumit". This necromancer told them of how Bhal the Great Conqueror would have them fight at his side in a war in the heavens. In Mhuzelti culture the Gnomes learned of how they would live on as the bones of the earth, supporting it under the divine tutelage of The Great Saint Xelex, The Horror Xelex and Azu the Beautiful .   That being said, as the worlds various cultures interacted more with what they learned from the Necromancers, the current pantheon came into existance. As did the unified concept of the afterlife under this same pantheon.
Necromancers unanimously have an uncanny ability to sence aspects of divinity. Meaning anyone who has been chosen as a champion or an emmisary of any god at all, a necromancer can tell. This is one of the main reasons they were trusted, to a large degree to this day, about what they had to say about the gods themselves. Many of these casters have spoken with various gods during their communions.
"A few memories of the dead flashed before her eyes. A verdant forest in the middle of summer, the humid smell of the damp soil filled her nose. His arm outstretched, reaching for the hand of a smiling woman. “Mother”, the word passed through her skull with a resonance that was reserved for a deep memory. The woman led me to the clearing where the other children were playing with sticks and wooden buckets on their heads." -Recounting of Twin Souls venturing into a Goblin's afterlife. 
Official Global Recognition, In effect
Alternative Naming
Augur, Hexerei, Thaumaturge
Current Holders
“Because Alorez said so. I don’t know if you know this, but Necromancers are extremely rare. They occur maybe once every few generations, all eventually are officially recognized by every government and religious institution on the continent as the genuine artifact. Her abilities are tailored very specifically to speaking with the dead, she has experienced the afterlife like we never can. She has actually spoken with the gods themselves before.”   “She has met Xelex, Azu, and Welkford. She has seen Koroth and Bhal. She should absolutely be trusted when she speaks of the dead. She says this nameless goddess is divine in nature, I have no reason to distrust her." - Sage Emily as she visted The High Priestess of the Skullbrood clan during her research 


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