Ghet of the Skullbrood Clan original version Character in The Great Tree | World Anvil

Ghet of the Skullbrood Clan original version

Ghet is a prominent member of Ilgor's raiding party. He is physically weaker than the other raiders, but he has a cool head. He has helped Ilgor more than once practice standing up to the other raiders. He taught Ilgor knife fighting as well, though he would never admit it, she was always better than him at it.   He learned common after she had taken control of the Clan, and made sure he understood the language more than the others. He had always like talking more than fighting, it was more comfortable for him. While not shy, he wasn't particularly confrontational with anyone.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lithe and agile, quick with a knife and strike. He is a small male for the village in terms of mass. He Keeps is hair in a loose bundle down his back.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

While he doesn't hold many claims to fame in the clan, he is well known to be a valuable advisor to all in the clan. He has a penchant for helping the girls of the clan through their problems and always been a sympathetic shoulder to cry on. He has somehow managed to avoid being a womanizer in the clan, he doesn't try. He is fond of helping his family become better and more comfortable with itself and has earned the reputation of being the kind grandpa in the family after the passing of the old Chief.    He has never really forgiven himself for not being able to help the Priestess of the Clan after her child had passed. While it wasn't his fault, he felt uneasy about how she never truly recovered from it. Despite how much he tried to console, help ease her mind, or talk her through it. He still sees it in her eyes when she looks at the children of clan.    He has also never forgiven himself for not being able to save his friends and family from a disastrous raid he saw coming. He wasn't able to slow them down, he wasnt able to get to them in time. He was the only one who survived, but only barely. He was never asked what happened when he was the only one to return home, three fourths the way dead. It has huanted him for his failure to protect them.

Personality Characteristics


He doesn't want to fight anymore. His bones are old, his hands hurt, he's not as quick as he used to be. He wants to help Ilgor change the raiders, he wants to help her make the clan fight less. He wants to see the family safe, he thinks Ilgor has a plan for the best. He wants to see the family become a proper settlement on human terms, he sees the benefit of trade and diplomacy. In the end he thinks he'd best be off the field of battle and would be better at Ilgor's side as she begins to lead the clan into a new era.


Religious Views

He has become increasingly distrustful of his family's god Bhal. Over the years he has began seeing that maybe the way they live is the main cause of their suffering. The demand to raid, the glory of battle, the spoils of war, he never saw the point in it. He questions the teachings that they are given that Bhal is a kind father, that he is pleased when they are bloodied. He questions whether the teachings of priestess is a benefit to the clan, after all, to teach the children to steal from the wealth of the City for the benefit of the clan seems to him questionable. To teach them to hide in the shadows and to teach them to go down fighting seems odd to him. He would rather live another day.
Rich Purple with greying iris's
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep sea green skin with brown speckling on the shoulders and chest
Cult of Bhal


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