Undercity Settlement in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil


Those deemed unworthy to live or even work aboard the Vault Crawler have instead been allowed to inhabit the area surrounding the base of the mobile platform. In most cases this is due to irreversible mutation, so the general consensus is to treat Undercity residents as less than human. Regardless they provide a myriad of important services to the settlement they can never step foot on.

This toxic relationship begins with what seems like a fair bartering system coupled with access to clean food and water. Scrap is the highest priority and has the highest value in caps, however this system never had any oversight by the Council and was taken over by a gang of middlemen that scalp the majority of the profits for themselves. Food and water were exchanged in bulk for simplicity’s sake on the side of the Crawler, and once again was hijacked by the corrupt and greedy who all but starve their neighbors for a few extra caps.

This has created a powder keg with the First Citizens not wanting to be bothered with fixing the mess. Instead, they offer ultimatums and send the Unstoppables in shows of strength in attempts to quell the unrest. Unaware of how badly this has compromised their security, secret deals are made each night by nearly all their enemies right under their feet. Some still wish to see Undercity unite as a true settlement under elected leaders that can improve their situation as a whole, and it is these unsung heroes keeping the fragile peace together.

Main Sources of Sustenance

Black Bars: Packaged in recycled foil paper, they are commonly distributed as an entire meal. The contents are usually soggy and need to be eaten out of the wrapper, though it can be heated for those that believe it improves the taste. Comprised of waste scraps from Hard Pudding and additives meant to keep it from spoiling, very little is done to make it less unappetizing.

Grey Drink: Though it is claimed that the coloration in this beverage is from added minerals and natural energy supplements, it is clear to those that have a sip that it is simply filthy water. Made safe enough with a mix of chemicals and a good filter, it is sourced from the liquid waste of the Crawler citizens.

  • Population- <7000

  • Motorpool- Utility vehicles repaired with scavenged junk

  • Security- Gangs offer protection for regular or one-time costs

  • Leadership- Anarchy with only the word of the First Citizens taken seriously

    Accept Forms of Currency

  • Caps are king here. Any other form of currency will be laughed at as few have access to a money changer and fewer still can afford to travel outside Undercity. Caps can be used to buy up-charged but clean food and water as well as lodging.


Import: The only concern for the citizens day to day in Undercity is sustenance. The treasuries held by the gangs operating here are emptied every day so that enough food and water can be purchased for survival and resale for tomorrow's meal. Distributing these supplies gave the First Citizens such a headache that they now sell only a handful of bulk shipments and leave the real work to the Undercity benefactors that can front the initial caps.

Export: Scrap metal and electronic components bring in the highest trade for the struggling Undercity scavengers. Once again looking to shift their duties onto the Undercity residents, the Crawler only collects these resources three times a day and only in bulk. This leaves wasters with the difficult task of selling off their treasures for a fair price on top of finding them, not to mention the lack of safety in the gang run markets.


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