Three Paths Forward.. in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil

Three Paths Forward..

Return to the Crawler

Seek a Professional

Infiltrate the RLA

First Citizen Martin is impressed by the party's instincts under pressure. She is especially interested to get to know Tommy and his miraculous ability to fly without Red Devil training. This could evolve into a lucrative position aboard the Vault Crawler, shielding the party from the dangers of the wasteland for a little longer. Not everything is as it seems however, and they might find that the secrets of the First Citizens Council and the Vault Crawler to be too horrific to cope with..
What do you do when the world around is turned upside down? Seek out someone that has spent most of their two hundred years passed out on the floor of course! Looking to gain a greater understanding of the mysterious artifact he carries, Ratt is being given a chance to have all his questions answered. He just has to convince the party that a voice in his head told them to go meet a drunk, drug-addicted wasteland stranger so they can take illicit substances and go on a vision quest into the heart the Ghoul Syndicate..
There is no question about the morality of the Robco Liberation Army, and it is hard to see the polite Sir POSH joining such a brutal terrorist cell for selfish intentions. With an open invitation to his kind however, perhaps he could be the one to infiltrate the operation and shut it down for good. Access to the pre-war facility would give him the ability to upgrade his own form, the limits of which only dictated by his imagination. This would place his compatriots in nearly constant danger however, as the murderous synth leader is not known for her patience with organics..


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