The Underground Rebellion Organization in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil

The Underground Rebellion

Although the First Citizens Council has always had trouble with insurgencies in nearby communities due to their treatment of the people, none have been well equipped or organized enough to withstand the pressure they can exert. This changed not long after the Crawler made its latest stop for extended maintenance and the most recent incarnation of Undercity was born. This new rebellion has proved resilient to their strategy, enough so that a witch hunt has begun for whoever is responsible for supplying them with intel.

Using lightning fast hit and run tactics and keeping their faces covered, the Underground Rebellion has never had a single member identified. Most witnesses won't speak to the First Citizens Council or intentionally give false information. Evidence shows the use of military grade hardware, although unlike the VCP these weapons appear exclusively as ballistic and not energy based. With fingers pointing everywhere, a large amount of distrust and infighting has occurred since the beginning of the attacks, accomplishing far more than any missing supplies ever could.

A connection with the remains of a metro tunnel is suspected to be their mode of transport, with fresh marks being discovered on some of the tracks that suggest a cart was used recently. Structurally unstable and filled with renegades so vile they were even cast out of Undercity; these passages are notoriously dangerous. Few that have gone inside make it back out to report much more than unbridled chaos and cruelty, leading a popular proposal to simply collapse the tunnels with explosives. Upon further investigation however, this was deemed too dangerous as it could possibly destabilize the ground the Crawler has several of its main support structures on.


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