The Calm Before the Storm.. in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil

The Calm Before the Storm..

Staying the Course

Although there is quite a bit of drama to deal with at the Sarsaparilla Plant, getting a viable sample of the rare fungus synthesized into a chem state would allow the party a lot of freedom moving forward. They can expect guidance from the ancient consciousness housed within the artifact if they can connect to it regularly, and it will have the added bonus of effectively making them immune to the intense radiation in the region. An army marches on their belly as they say, and if they wish to stop the Dunwich Society they will have to appeal to the Rad Farm or Los Verdugos to cut off their supply lines. To accomplish this they will need the eccentric ghoul known as Rattlesnake Jim. Wounded by the sentry bot 'malfunction' he won't be so easy to track down as he is licking his wounds inside a highly irradiated part of the settlement. He will be integral for the success of this plan, not only for his skills and equipment but also for the inside information on how the Syndicate operates. After all, you don't go running a business as a ghoul in the Great Dust Bowl without some kind of sanction from the ruling factions unless you keep a little insurance around..

Turning Back

With the looming threat of a floating battleship that houses an entire cloning facility, it might be time to reassess the situation and focus the group's attention on a problem closer to home. Without a clear idea of their intentions or true allegiances the mystery alone provides a credible threat to life in the Great Dust Bowl. Not only would the vertibird need repaired, but it might also be a good idea to invest some further caps into the aircraft before they head out for good. A lot of unanswered questions remain, and since Tommy was directed towards the Vault Crawler to meet a contact working for the same organization, it might be a good idea to hear them out. With their actions aboard the Dreadnought one would also assume a warm welcome by the First Citizens Council, and perhaps some compensation for their heroism amidst the chaos that led to many of their citizens' safe return. It is still possible to synthesize the mutated fungus without the kooky ghoul, and it might be better not to travel down that rabbit hole too far anyway. Chems have never been known to give more than they take..

A New Approach

Seeing just a limited view of the suffering the average denizen of this region goes through it may be starting to become apparent that justice is severely lacking across the Great Dust Bowl. To save humanity the group might have to make some hard choices, snuffing out the corrupt officials and installing local leadership that will look out for the population as intended. RJ's is a good place to start, not only is there a small army of aging robots that could be reprogrammed and refurbished into a humble militia but there is also a large host of misfits and mutants craving a real opportunity in this world. Down the road, either the Robco Facility or Corvega City make attractive follow-up targets. With one having resources to build the army of their dreams, the other contains countless slaves yearning to break free of their bonds and serve a higher purpose. Without a serious confrontation these forces will remain unchecked to wreak devastation across the wasteland and any settlements they encounter. The looming threat of the Dunwich Society must be addressed in due time, but perhaps the group should be focusing on building their strength and playing the long game..


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