House Rules in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil

House Rules

Listed below are rules that I expect everyone to observe during sessions or on the Play-by-Post. If something on the list does not suit your playstyle, please talk to me over Discord private messages so we can clear up any confusion and decide if this group will be the right fit for you moving forward.

  • This is meant to be a fun experience, don’t make it uncomfortable for other players. This covers all forms of harassment, both in and out of game.

  • The wasteland is a dirty place full of scum and villainy, but we don't need to go into detail about gratuitous violence or sexual themes that make other people uncomfortable or derail the story.

  • This is not a place for political, religious, or social issue discussion. I want this to be a neutral zone where people can feel welcome without needing to subscribe to any specific train of thought to fit in, (besides loving Fallout..).

  • Try not to talk over other people and remember to let other people give their input on situations that involve the group. This is a team exercise, make sure you aren’t alienating anyone. In the Play-by-Post this would be more covered by insisting to take charge in all situations and freezing out other players that wish to be involved. Sometimes it is best to take a break or suggest someone else lead in a sticky situation so it becomes a moment everyone can celebrate and not just one character.

  • Don’t get angry when you fail and don’t penalize others for making mistakes or having ’bad’ rolls. Difficulties and random chance are a key part of the experience, and it is generally more fun for the group if you react in character but laugh with everyone else no matter what the dice say. This experience is meant to be challenging. Rule discussion is perfectly acceptable but please be constructive in group chats. If you absolutely can't, feel free to message me directly to discuss your grievance.

  • I generally go by the honor system for a lot of things involving managing characters, but I do run audits if I feel something is fishy. Players should be keeping track of their own ammunition, Luck, HP, and inventories. Please do not abuse this, players must clear any gear beyond what is given by the core rule book for character creation with me directly and cannot retroactively buy gear while already on an excursion or otherwise away from a settlement.

  • I work hard on my setting and GMing but I will always be the first to admit that I am still learning some things. I prefer that criticism come in a constructive manner and that the goal is to find a resolution. If you can't articulate why you are having a bad time with something, it makes it incredibly difficult for me to fix and learn from. If there is something you don't like about the story, change it! I like to take inspiration from the Fallout games where everyone is killable and player choice dictates the journey to the end game and the consequences for the region.


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