Galahad Doryphoros Character in The Golden Realms | World Anvil
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Galahad Doryphoros

Galahad Doryphoros

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Galahad’s original backstory would’ve consisted of the following:
  • He’s a member of the Shadow Hunt who’s currently on “rehabilitation leave”, let’s call it.
  • Now, what does the Shadow Hunt entail, and what do I mean by “rehabilitation leave”? First things first; the Shadow Hunt is an organization I had originally created in my own expanded setting of the Shadowfell, in which they serve as the Raven Queen’s elite Shadar-Kai soldiers who thwart any plans any undead forces, especially those who serve Undying King Vecna may have ( your unholy necromancer deity could take his place here for example). Now, these particular Shadar-Kai hail from Letherna, and may or may not be recognizable by their sizeable stature and glowing cyan eyes compared to Shadar-Kai born outside of Letherna. Truth is that out of the Well of Souls which regulates the flow of souls from Letherna to the Fugue Plane/ Afterlife, sometimes the memories and experiences of brave heroes, quite often previous champions of the Raven Queen, can give birth to such a Shadar-Kai (a Memoryborn). The Shadow Hunt also does not answer to the Raven Queen directly, but instead primarily to a Lord Inquisitor they chose amongst themselves. (In my specific version, the Lord Inquisitor would currently be the Raven Queen’s Brother. More on this later.) See the Shadow Hunt as the equivalent to the Wild Hunt from the Feywild, but mayhaps more or less well-known (up to you, dear DM). Now, why specifically is Galahad on rehabilitation leave? First, of all, he’s a memoryborn. I believe that should be obvious enough, and he used to serve as a guide and spiritual father for newly born memoryborn, but he has become too old-fashioned nowadays. Now, you should know that Galahad has mentored many Shadar-Kai, both regular and memoryborn in his lifetime. He would in fact be, very old were it not for the halted aging process while in Letherna but his habits, actions, advice, etc are most definitely NOT up-to-date. This was not an issue with the previous Raven Queen (yes, you read that correctly), in my setting she had gone through a reincarnation cycle herself and was reborn at the Well of Memories alongside a twin brother; Vaal. This brother was of course also initially tutored by Galahad, but very quickly surpassed the old coot, and also very quickly replaced whoever was the previous Lord Inquisitor of the Shadow Hunt. Nowadays, Galahad primarily answers to Lord Inquisitor Vaal of course, and while Galahad is still respected as a spiritual father to the Shadow Hunt nowadays, but he had been asked to step down from his position as an advisor and explore the world outside of Letherna to better adapt to current times. He had to leave behind his old experiences, and perhaps part of his memories through a ritual at the Well of Souls (that would’ve basically reset him back to level 1 for mechanical reasons) While technically a “vacation” was forced on him technically, Galahad still remains dutiful and would assist anyone who proves themselves to be a loyal follower, ally, or chosen one of either the Raven Queen (The Fair Lady as the Shadow Hunt members call her), the Shadow Hunt, or Lord Inquisitor Vaal, which would explain his fateful meeting with the current group.
    Lawful Neutral
    Date of Birth
    Cyan Blue
    Raven Black
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale/ Snow White
    7 ft 2 inch (220 cm)
    189 lb (86 kg)


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