The Twin Heads Character in The Golden Frontier | World Anvil
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The Twin Heads

Divine Domains

The weather gods, siamese twins that are fickle and ever changing in what weather should be had or will happen. They can be kind one second and keep the skies clear for a farmer, then send a massive storm to destroy a refugee ship drifting in the ocean. They are gods of chaos and of tempest, with their followers following the principle of that the material things are fleeting.

Holy Books & Codes

The followers of the Twins follow five tenets   1. Let chaos flow, for existence is chaotic   2. Be equal in mind, allow yourself to be kind but also allow anger to grow   3. Choose the path least travelled, for that is the true essence of chaos   4. Let your emotions run rampant, hold nothing back   5. Chaos is a force for change, so never fear change, embrace it

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of the Twins are a two sided face, one with a smiling face, and one with a angry face

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Twins are a primordial force, their goal is hard to understand, but the simple idea is that they want to pursue chaos in its purest form, of true randomness and true change.

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