Dragon Isle Settlement in The Golden Frontier | World Anvil
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Dragon Isle

The lonely fortress off the coast of the northern parts of the continent, the home of the Order of Dragons, Dragon Isle. There are few places in the world that seem more solemn and depressed than the island, for the gray clouds nearly always cover it and make the only good light in the endless sea the torches that alight the massive fortress. The Island is little more than a fortress for the order, yet normal people do live upon it, and travel to it, especially for the purpose of its masterful blacksmiths and to work in the mines. It is an island of hard work and dedication, from the smallest squire, to the most honorable Upholder, each work hard in what they do with razor sharp focus. It is of course the home of the Order, so thus one can always see squires being trained in tactics and their arts of war.


Despite what many would think of the Dragon Knights, they aren't as metallic as many would assume. While the vast majority of their soldiers and those that live on the island are metallic, there are still portions of people from other places within the empire. Metallics make up about 80% of the island, while dalvarians make up 5%, stonemen make up 5%, and the final 10% is made up of other miscellaneous people.


The Island is under direct control by the order, with the primary owner being that of the state's leader, Perra, who helps manage its people and helps appoint smaller knights to manage to handle the many things that must be taken care of at the island. The Upholders also live here, and have a great deal of influence in being able to solve problems or intervene in certain issues.


Many would argue that Dragon Isle is more fortress than city, and its tough to argue against that with its impressive defenses. The walls surrounding the island are thick and strong, able to withstand the crashing waves and roaring storms of the ocean, along with being heavily fortified with towers that each have two sets of ballistae in the case of any enemy attack, or monster attack, especially that from the ocean. Its soldiers are tough and heavily drilled, with only the most prestigious knights being chosen to be the guards of the fortress.

Industry & Trade

The island is one of the most resource rich places in all the lands of drakenelm, for its island goes deep under the water, and is filled with metal, steel, iron, gold, copper, all sorts of valuable resources. As such, despite the apparent danger of going by ship to the island, it is a key trade route for the continent's gold, and so many large and stout vessels are forced to make the journey across the ocean to reach it. These exports of course help fund the fortress and its training of squires and knights.


The buildings and infrastructure of the Island is strong and well built, with solid stone being the primary material for both roads and buildings. Along with this, it has a large shipyard at the south of the island, where ships are able to feel safe from the storms that come from the north of the island. Furnaces can easily be found all over, as they help light the fortress but also keep its inhabitants warm from the cold rain

Guilds and Factions

The Order is the only true guild within the fortress, as those that work there serve directly to them and have no guild to represent them. While it is not fully confirmed, some speak of that the miners are sometimes forced to work for long periods of time without rest to help sustain the order's massive growth in power, and thus there are rumors that people seek to get better representation within the order.
Alternative Name(s)
The Isle of Metal

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Cover image: by Mattepainting


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