Climate Wars Military Conflict in The Galaxy | World Anvil

Climate Wars

Climate Wars were a series of military conflicts that took place on Earth between 2063 and 2150. Those wars were caused by climate change and shortages of food and water around the world.

The Climate Wars were a pivotal moment in the history of humanity. Through them many of the old divisions among us were eradicated and laid the foundations of modern society
— A history teacher

The Conflict


First signs of an ecological disaster appered in the first quarter of the 21st century, but very little was done to prevent it. Appeals of ecological organizations and climate strikes around the world were, in most cases, falling on deaf ears. Things, which were being done, were too little too late. As years passed climate was becoming less and less hospitable and water shortages started. Food shortages came next.

The war started in the Middle East where the great powers of the world were engaged in proxy wars by supplying the local governments friendly to them. After a few years, the conflict began to escalate. Middle eastern and african countries were desparate for resources and fighting was the only way to get them. With the world's eyes focused on those countries, Russia and China started to realize their expansionist ambitions and invaded their neighbours. That caused the United States to respond.


The Climate Wars took place all over the Earth and almost all means of warfare were used. Nuclear weapons were the only weapons that remained not used. All people understood that launching one nuke would lead to launching more by others and that would lead to the extinction of the human race.


By the year 2150, Earth and the human civilization were only a shadow of its former selves. The landscape was lunar with holes from artillery and bombs everywhere. Travelling was dangerous not only because of hostile scavenger groups, but also due to tons of duds just waiting to explode.

Cities and town weren't much better. Most of them were completely ruined. A few of the former country capitals, for example London, had a small central area that was safe and well-maintained while the rest of the city was in ruins.

Such were the conditions of the world under the Warsaw Armistice, a ceasefire signed on the 13th of April 2150 in Warsaw, the former capital city of Poland. The armistice was signed, because all sides of the conflict came to a conclusion that, given the state Earth was in, no one could emerge victorious. Terms of the armistice stated that every community on the planet had the right to self-govern and no one had the right to impose their rule on others. Many groups used this self-governance to rebuild the lands they occupied. To avoid new conflicts over limited resources, the armistice created the International Restoration Committee (IRC).


It took five years to stabilize the situation on Earth after the Warsaw Armistice. In 2155, during an IRC summit in London, it was proposed to reforge the committee into something more permament and unified. No one had delusions that old countries could be rebuilt. This is how the United Republic of Earth was born.

Remembering what caused the Climate Wars lead to scientists and politicans focusing on new, ecological ways of producing power. A major breakthrough of those endeavours was construction first ever fusion reactor and implenting nuclear fusion as the main power production method on Earth.

Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
London Summit and formation of the United Republic of Earth


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