Sprite Species in The Fruit of War | World Anvil


Sprites are natural energies (Ega) given life and physical form under specific circumstances / for a specific purpose; many biologists class them as natural phenomena as much as a member of the animal kingdom.    The process was first observed by caeo hunters, where the deathfall of the creature from the sky would birth tiny humanoid creatures that would occasionally react vengefully to the hunters. Although initially regarded as a tall tale, other, similar tales were accumulated and then observed on other occasions and different circumstances. Known 'birthings' have included:
  • Caeo (living, healthy)
  • Caeo deathfall
  • Plant and tree flowerings, leafings, or other transformations
  • Naturally-heated water, i.e., hotsprings
  • Thunderstorms, wildfires, and other natural phenomena
  • Bloodsinger spellwork performed too close to an Ega Root
  • Shadow-work by warlocks (typically an unintended side-effect)
  • Birth complications

Basic Information


Varied, but they often take humanoid form. They are rarely more than 6" tall or long. Individuals capable of sustained flight are seen more often than not. Their physique is often similar to their birth source.

Genetics and Reproduction

They appear to be asexual and incapable of reproduction amongst themselves.


A well-known saying has developed about sprites: "A passive sprite is rarer than water in Balaqalneyis." They are generally born for a purpose, even if that purpose is hard to decipher, incredibly specific, impossible, or obsolete; their lives tend to focus intensely on this purpose to the exclusion of all else, whether it be malignant or benevolent. When their purpose has been achieved -- if this is possible -- the sprite inevitably withers away and dies. For a sprite whose purpose is now obsolete, impossible, or from which they are otherwise prevented from pursuing, however, they continue their pursuit relentlessly.
Conservation Status
Moderate Concern


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