Peithya's Feast Tradition / Ritual in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Peithya's Feast (Pay-THIGH-uh)

Peithya's Feast was created as a celebration of channeler talent, both as an induction of new channelers into the community and as a type of career fair for vocations such as the House of Leavings for potential Shepherds, the Physicia for Clerics, or the military for Bloodsingers. It was named for Peithya the Risen, a historic figure and channeler widely credited with having, ironically, removed much of the stigma surrounding channelers.


Celebrated annually prior to the War of the Six, suspended during the war years. Post-war much of the celebratory nature has gone, due to the shortage of channelers but also renewed stigma toward them (having been the source of much of the problems).


Annually on the 2nd Day of the Season of Opening (the second day of the new year).


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