Hezar Organization in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Hezar (Heh-ZAHR)

The Hezar were one of the largest and most affluent Kivan tribes prior to the War of the Six, but a significant loss to their forces during the war and thus to the Bitter Hand has left them a shade of their former selves. Their typical roaming grounds are currently to the east of Seishmeb and west of the Haaros, though they were once south of the Tycephaur Lake  Their status and wealth was largely due to the diplomatic skill and shrewd business practices of the Zalesper family, whereby they managed to secure for themselves the important role of escorting Kivan koza reserved for trade from breeders (such as the Acosaphaura of the Etir) to Seishmeb or other trading posts in Icalar. Due to the risk and importance of this role, their forces were well-trained and -disciplined and had the most exposure to other cultures outside Kiva and military experience.   Hezath Zalesper was a notable Hezar for calling the kega in late 985AC that would lead to the majority of the Kivan tribes falling under the banner of the Host of Selephise under the Violet Accord in the War of the Six. He was one of the six generals of the titular war.


Internal Hierarchy: Head TribesmanCrestMember
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Training Level
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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