Goldtear Mushroom Species in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Goldtear Mushroom

The goldtear mushroom (or simply 'goldtear') is a rare mushroom found solely in Kiva, most commonly around the Horizon Watchers.   Interestingly, the physical structure of many eisorcei clutches resembles the pagoda style of the goldtear and similar mushrooms.

Basic Information


Clusters of three to eight stalks produce narrow tapered pagoda-like structures of four to five tiers. The undersides of the tiers feature wide ribs, while the stocks can feature one or two small flanges.

Biological Traits

So-named for its steady bright gold secretions from its rim. The mushroom itself is pale yellow on orange stems.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Most well-known outside of Kiva as an essential ingredient in authentic hejulal mikahb. It also features in Kivan folk medicine, where its secretions can be used to aid the healing of minor abrasions.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Although not proven, it is speculated that there is something specific in the soil of the Horizon Watcher area that facilitates the mushroom's growth. Attempts at propagating it have been more successful when using such a soil sample compared to one from elsewhere, even if these are short-lived and barely viable.
Five days
Conservation Status
Some Concern
Average Height
Geographic Distribution


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