Fareale Oasis Geographic Location in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Fareale Oasis (FAH-RAY-ahl)

The Fareale Oasis in Balaqalneyis connects the capital, Ghûn, with the Laqalney River to the west and the Bloodless Palm.


The oasis is lushest year-round in the western stretch between Ghûn and the Laqalney, while its eastern stretch tends to vary. As well as supporting Ghûn, the notable Salt Road is hidden by its greenery.

Fauna & Flora

Ladder-reed is indigenous here, and gungeinga are common on its outer fringes.


Unsurprisingly, the oasis' presence was the pivotal reason for the founding of the capital and attractive to the early sal traders.
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities


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