Sea Clan Organization in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Sea Clan

The smallest of The Cryptid Clans is the aquatic Sea Clan, which dwells in Malory Bay and the surrounding ocean shoreline near Emerald City. Where fresh water gives way to salt, the territory of the River Clan gives way to that of the Sea Clan.   The clan is made up of a combination of Beast People, oceanic Forsaken, and aquatic Visitors, particularly an extended clans of Pisceans, aquatic-adapted humanoids from a homeworld in the interstellar Lor Republic. Most of the Beast People of the Sea Clan are shark- or squidlike, with a few fish-people and dolphin-people. The Sea Clan has some contact with oceanic outsiders, particularly nomadic tribes of Atlanteans and barbaric Deep Ones, Atlanteans corrupted by interbreeding with the Serpent People.   The chief of the Sea Clan is Merr-Ell, the strong-willed matriarch of the Pisceans, and the only member of her clan to still remember the waters of their homeworld. She has contented herself with their new home on Earth, but remains deeply concerned about the treatment of this world’s oceans and environment with regard to the future of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

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