River Clan Organization in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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River Clan

The River Clan is made up of aquatic and amphibious Cryptid dwelling in or along the waterways surrounding Malory Bay, including the Albian River, The Red and Bronze Rivers, and Lake Vallee. The River Clan also claims the various islands in “their” waterways as part of their territory, but not Malory Bay or its islands, which belong to the Sea Clan.   The River Clan’s most important holding is Lake Vallee, particularly the flooded former mining town at the bottom of the lake. Although decayed by decades of submersion, the shells of old buildings still serve the River Cryptids as shelter from the outside world, and flooded mining tunnels around the lake bed provide them with secret passages connected to the Rock Clan's Sub-Terran domain. Some ambitious River Clanners have dug up valuable stones and minerals from the old mines, as well as recovering goods submerged in the lake.   A cunning fellow known only as “Otter” is chief of the River Clan. He is a Changed One with the ability to shapeshift between a normal human appearance (albeit with slight webbing on his fingers and toes) to a human-sized or normal-sized otter. Otter had quite a career as a thief before almost falling into the leadership of his clan. Responsibility has straightened him up somewhat, although his mischievous sense of humor is still intact.
Geopolitical, Clan

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