Changed Ones Ethnicity in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Changed Ones

Some members of The Cryptid Clans started out life as seemingly ordinary human beings. Then, one day, something happened to them and they were... changed. Examples include humans infected by a Beast People, typically becoming theriomorphs, human/beast form shapeshifters. Others are Forsaken “changelings”—mystical beings in human form, sometimes left in exchange for human infants or children—or Unhumans or Visitors born as apparent humans, raised in human society until their Cryptid nature asserts itself. Lastly, there are humans exposed to the Cryptid genetic influences in the Arcadian wilderness and transformed by them.   Changed Ones are often traumatized by their transformation and the loss of their ordinary lives. In the past, most have been faced with a choice: accept membership in the Cryptid Clans, amongst beings able to understand, guide, and protect them, or agree to serve The Chamber to remain in Emerald City under their protection. Otherwise, new Changed Ones were likely to be hunted down, either by the Chamber themselves, or by Majestic-20, which perceives them as a threat to humanity. Some rare Changed Ones manage to turn their condition into an advantage and actually become independent super heroes or villains; Mongrel is one such example.   There is considerable debate amongst the Cryptid Clans as to whether or not stormers—transformed by the alien technology of the Silver Storm—should be considered Changed Ones or not. The prevailing opinion is that they should not, any more than a handful of other mutates created by human technology (radiation exposure, etc.) have been. Still, some Cryptids believe stormers should be welcome among their ranks, if they wish to be.

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