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The Fourth A world of dark, adult fantasy where happy endings are rare and actions have consequences, often swift and brutal.

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In the war-torn lands of the Fourth World, murder, assault, and theft are a daily threat and only the strong survive. Thieves run rampant and mercenaries outnumber the clerics who inter them. In the cities, the poor scrabble to survive in filthy tenements and the rich perch high above on the unstable towers of their power, some advised by clever mages constantly looking for the best opportunities.   Humans are taking over. In their dominant countries, once-proud elder races are relegated to hovels and persecuted daily, often for crimes where the only evidence against them is their appearance.   But the elder races refuse to go quietly into the night. In the north, the trolls of Jotunheim struggle to stop the ever-encroaching humans from taking their land. The besieged kingdom of Tir na Nog digs in and fortifies, determined not to lose any more ground. Orks grow desperate, their shorter lifespans leaving little time to do more than form lose tribes. They are either assimilated or flat out exterminated and they are frustrated and angry. The dwarves and gnomes keep their iron gates locked, allowing no immigration and very strict tourism into their mountain cities. And amidst all this turmoil, the new Emperor of Thera seems to be amassing his war machine.   Meanwhile, merchants and travelers report strange sightings in the swamps and darkened forests of the continent, of vicious and deadly creatures that seek not gold or gems - but flesh. Creatures once thought merely to be the mythical fancies of bards. Only the bravest souls venture into the wilderness, armed with razor-sharp steal, magic and alchemy.   Whether you’re a hard-bitten mercenary who lives from job to job never asking questions, or an idealistic bard traveling the land to spread some cheer and revelry in these dark days, you must fight if you want to survive in a world determined to break you. Though happy endings are rare, the darkness makes the joyful moments all the sweeter, and companionship is one of the greatest treasures that you can attain. For better or worse, this is your world.   Who will you be? What is your story?

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