Villutina Species in The Fourth Age of Tel | World Anvil


A most curious vine, villutina doth clamber and groweth into a bush, reaching a stature of some three feet. The leaves, like verdant hearts, are round and boast a deep cleft at the very top, each suspended upon long and slender stems. From the vine do sprout forth delicate blossoms, adorned in a sunlit yellow and fashioned into slender tubes.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

A most rambunctious vine, it spreadeth itself with abandon along hedgerows and fences, and with cunning tendrils it taketh hold within thickets that lie open to the caress of the summer sun. Not content to merely sprawl, villutina doth clamber and wind its way upwards, seeking ever a higher vantage point from which to bask in the golden light. Yet come the dog days of summer, villutina doth transform itself, abandoning its verdant cloak for a mantle of sunshine. For in the heart of the season, it bursteth forth with a profusion of blooms, each a slender trumpet fashioned from purest gold. And so doth villutina paint the landscape with its vibrancy, a testament to the fecundity of the summer months.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

This wondrous herb's fame doth echo across the corners of the world, a testament to its potent virtue. Even the farthest-flung peoples have come to revere its properties. The Khemians, Eknoi and Rexans all hold this herb in the highest regard. With practiced hands, they gather the leaves and roots, and with a swift application of heat, transform them into a poultice. This they place upon wounds that stubbornly resist healing, and lo! the flesh knits itself anew, spurred on by the herb's mysterious power.

But tales even more fantastical swirl around the villutina, whispered by the serpent-handlers of Dhenia and Aerisca Borealis, those who tread the perilous line between life and death in their dance with deadly vipers. These daring souls swear by the herb's potent magic. They declare that the same juice, when rubbed upon a wound inflicted by a serpent's venomous fang, acts as a wondrous antidote, neutralizing the poison and saving the unfortunate victim from a gruesome fate. Yet their pronouncements grow even more outlandish, for they claim the juice extracted from the villutina embodies the very essence of life, a potent bane to any serpent that dares cross its path. A single drop, they say, dripped upon the vile creature, and it meets its swift end.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Varities of villutina can be found all across the known world, most often growing across the forest floor or on the rocky hillslopes.

Game Effect: Applying freshly crushed villutina leaves within one round of receiving a poisonous bite or sting gives the character a +2 bonus on Save vs. Poison. This can only be attempted once per poisonous attack.

A poultice of villutina applied to wounds will allow a character to naturally heal 2 HP per day of rest for a duration of two days. This effect is not cumulative.

Average Height
3 to 5 feet
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Lleij Schwartz