Lionsroot Species in The Fourth Age of Tel | World Anvil


Lionsroot is a common plant found across Tel that is distinguished by its bright yellow flowers; it has both culinary and medicinal uses.

Basic Information


Herbal: Lionsroot by Lleij Schwartz via Midjourney

Lionsroot is an herbaceous perennial that consists of a conical taproot that supports a dicotyledonous flowering plant with a thin, spindly stem from which several runcinate leaves and a single yellow stellate zygomorphic flower grows.

Ecology and Habitats

Lionsroot is found in temperate areas throughout the entirety of Tel. A proflic species, they propagate in the wild with extreme alacrity in open plains and meadows.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

As the entire plant is edible and highly nutriative, lionsroot is a common ingredient in the cuisines of many cultures. In particular, the leaves are used to lend a bitter taste to dishes; however, it is just as common to saute or blanch the leaves to remove the bitterness from them. The Alvi of Xian make great use of lionsroot in their cuisine, with the entire plant boiled, steamed, or fried in various dishes. Human cultures in Khemia, Eknon, and Vitelia have also consumed lionsroot since the beginning of the Fourth Age. On the other hand, the Nanoi and Gnomi do not often use lionsroot as a culinary ingredient; however they do employ the flower petals and roots are used in the creation of various alcoholic beverages.

Additionally, lionsroot is recognized by herbalists for its medicinal properties. A powerful diuretic, its consumption is believed to detoxify the blood. Lionsroot powder is often mixed with hot water and given to the sick for this purpose.

The petals of the lionsroot flower can be used to produce yellow pigment for paints and dyes; the Khemians take advantage of this particular dye as it allows their banners to be easily recognized against blue desert skies.

Average Height
4 to 5 inches

Cover image: by Lleij Schwartz