Urdlen Character in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Urdlen (URD-len)

Urdlen, also known as the Crawler Below, was a chaotic evil gnome deity. It took the form of a white mole, blind, hairless, sexless, but with claws of steel. A mindless force of evil and destruction, Urdlen was the only evil gnome deity. It was allowed to remain part of that pantheon by its leader Garl Glittergold as a reminder to all gnomes of the dangers of greed and bloodlust.


Worship of Urdlen was limited to either secretive cults or a lurking threat on the margins of society. Its clerics waged war on the clergy of other gnome deities, or spent their time stealing works of art and other objects of great value and destroying or defacing them.

Some tanar'ri priests were known to pledge themselves to Urdlen's service.

Divine Domains

Death, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Contacts & Relations

Urdlen hated all the other gnomish deities, and they had no particular love for it either. Its actions also earned the wrath of the gods of halflings, dwarves, and kobolds, as well as Grumbar.
Divine Classification
Intermediate deity
Chaotic evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Crawler Below


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