Abbathor Character in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Abbathor (ÆB-ba-thor or AB-bah-thor)

Abbathor, also known as the Great Master of Greed, was the neutral evil dwarven god of greed before becoming an exarch of Bane. He was an intensely greedy deity and was both desirous and envious of others' riches. Abbathor and his followers believed in the acquisition of all forms of wealth by any and all means necessary.


Abbathor's priests dressed in red leather armor and leather caps. His holy days were on the solar eclipse and he demanded the sacrifice of both blood and gems annually.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Forge, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Contacts & Relations

Abbathor's relations with his fellow dwarven deities were strained, but he was not cast out of the pantheon, and he was sometimes known to conspire with Vergadain on various schemes.
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Neutral evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Great Master of Greed
Trove Lord
Wyrm of Avarice
the Avaricious


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