Durnan Character in The Forgotten Realm | World Anvil
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Durnan (/ˈdʌrˈnɑːn/ Durr-NAN)

The Wanderer Durnan (a.k.a. Durham)

Durnan was the gruff, burly yet close-mouthed man who run Yawning Portal and considered himself the self-appointed gatekeeper to Undermountain. He is known for having explored Undermountain.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Durnan was born in the remote North in 1283 DR. He started adventuring with Mirt The Moneylender  when the two were ten. Durnan was known as "The Wanderer" because that was precisely what he spent his youth doing: wandering around seemingly aimlessly, killing monsters.   In 1302 DR, Durnan and Mirt the Merciless went into Undermountain and managed to come back not only alive but also rich. This was one of the first instances of somebody surviving a foray into Halaster's property. He used the looted wealth to tear down the remnants of Halaster's Hold to build the Yawning Portal inn. He spread the information about the size and the wealth that could be found in Undermountain. Combined with the good location, on which he built his inn, it guaranteed him his living by selling equipment to people who wanted to enter the dungeon too. Durnan retired as an adventurer. The reason for this was that he made a promise to his girlfriend at that time to come back to her when he managed to become rich.   He was married to Mhaere Dryndilstann and had a daughter with her called Tamsil Dryndilstann whom she taught the basics of battle to give her the necessary skills against problematic customers.


His own.


Contacts & Relations

After so many years alive he knows a lot of people. As a tavern owner he knows even more.

Family Ties

He was married to Mhaere Dryndilstann and had a daughter with her called Tamsil Dryndilstann

Religious Views

He has now true belife in the gods. They exist, of course, but it is complicated.  He also had a special relationship with the local clergy of Tymora. He daily paid the deity's temple to send one of their clerics over to heal people. This service was not charity on the temple's side. It was not merely expected but paying donations to the caster was actually enforced and Lady Luck's clerics accepted nothing but cash, meaning no credits.

Social Aptitude

Most people suck.




Towards Mhaere Dryndilstann

Mhaere Dryndilstann


Towards Durnan

Year of Birth
1283 DR 210 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations

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