Mirt The Moneylender Character in The Forgotten Realm | World Anvil
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Mirt The Moneylender (MERT)

Lord Mirt, Mirt the Merciless, the Old Wolf, Lord Walrus. Mirt (a.k.a. Mertonius, Tonius the Thief.)

Known to be the only umasked lord of Waterdeep. He made his fortune as an adventurer in Undermountain after a colorful career as a mercenary general. During this time, Mirt made many enemies all over the Sword Coast, but also a few friends, notably Durnan a fellow adventurer and Undermountain explorer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mirt was the son of a successful Coaster, a Sword Coast trader. He grew up hearing many tales and deeds of heroism which led him down the path of becoming a fighter. In his youth, he was a money-grubbing mercenary and this grew into a reputation as a great mercenary general of the North and earned him the nickname "Mirt the Merciless". He became quite wealthy, but grew unsatisfied with mere wealth. He actually craved peace and tranquility.   During his mercenary days, he met Durnan the Wanderer and the two became close companions. The two of them decided to "retire" to Waterdeep. It may have also been this time that he met his future wife, Asper, whom he rescued as a baby from a sacked city.   With Durnan in tow, Mirt went to Waterdeep to live, but quickly became bored with peaceful living. Within a month of his arrival, he was approached by Khelben Arunsun and Sammereza Sulphontis with an invitation to become a Lord of Waterdeep. A few years later, he proposed to the other Lords that Durnan also be accepted as a Lord, and they agreed.
Mirt (and Durnan) performed many covert tasks for the Lords of Waterdeep. Among them was Mirt's stint as a member of Waterdeep's thieves' guild under the alias "Tonius the Thief". He used his disguise to feed the Lords information on the guild, which led to the guild's eventual eradication from the city.   Mirt ran his money-lending business primarily out of his mansion in Waterdeep. Transactions would happen only in the mornings, and Mirt was said to be patient regarding their repayment.   Mirt began expeditions into Undermountain during his time as a Lord of Waterdeep. He actually adventured into the halls with several other Lords, including Durnan (of course) and Khelben.   An entrance to Undermountain was found near Mirt's mansion below an alley named the Slide in the sewers. It eventually led to an area of the dungeon known as the Grim Statue. With his companions, they explored many areas of Undermountain—sometimes by choice, but other times by necessity. Some of those areas included the Crystal Labyrinth; an area of the Dark Levels known as the Lost Level, where they befriended Bandaerl; and the city-below-the-city, Skullport.[citation needed]   Mirt was among the Lords tasked with the job of keeping tabs on Skullport. When he wasn't visiting the city himself, usually with Durnan and/or Asper alongside, he would call for aide from Force Grey. He and some of the other Lords also maintained a network of informants within Skullport as well. One of Mirt's informants actually included the Iron Ring member Transtra.   On one occasion, while Mirt, Durnan, and Asper were in Skullport, they ran afoul of the beholder Xuzoun and his minions. The fighting woke up the elder black dragon Vulharindauloth from his decades long sleep, and he had to be driven off by the defenses of the city itself.   It was well known that Mirt and Durnan emerged from Undermountain in 1302 DR with a vast amount of wealth. Mirt used his share to build his mansion near Mount Waterdeep, while Durnan used his to erect the Yawning Portal tavern over the famous entrance.   During the tumultuous Time of Troubles in 1358 DR, Mirt was dispatched to secure assistance from any ships friendly to Waterdeep. This included tasks such as supplying Waterdeep with much-needed goods, patrolling the seas for pirates, warning of other naval invaders, and providing a means of escape from the city should it become necessary. The job also led Mirt to the island of Mintarn.   In the 1360s DR, Mirt briefly came out of retirement again to seek out and destroy The Black Basilisk, a ship crewed by Hosttower mages, and scattered their undead-crewed Dead Fleet. The Black Daggers pirate guild of the Nelanther Isles were so thankful they granted amnesty to Waterdhavian ships.   At some point, Mirt was imprisoned within a magical handaxe. In 1479 DR, a Cormyrean noble named Marlin Stormserpent stole the axe from another noble family, mistakenly believing it was an artifact of the Nine. He called Mirt out of the axe and Mirt escaped into Suzail.   In 1487 DR, Mirt made an effort to continuously thwart the scheming of Manshoon, or rather from even attempting to begin his scheming. The two of them had several meetings for drinks and passive-aggressive conversations in Suzail.   In 1488 DR, Mirt came to the aid of Elminster, openly posing as a waiter and cook for several archwizards trapped inside a spellstorm in Cormyr, thereby contributing to the protection of the mythical Lost Spell.   In 1491 DR, Elminster and Mirt returned to the city of Waterdeep, both aiding the newly appointed Open Lord of Waterdeep, Laeral Silverhand, in uncovering the culprits behind a string of murders of Masked Lords. After the investigations, Mirt chose to stay with Laeral, serving as a personal agent for the Open Lord.


Social Aptitude

Outwardly, Mirt appeared to be a loud, tipsy braggart, but only a stranger to Waterdeep would underestimate his agility and cunning. These qualities made him far richer late in life as an investor and business man than his years as an adventurer ever did, despite him being one of the few adventurers to emerge alive with wealth from Undermountain in 1302 DR. He had a heart of gold, despite the relative frequency with which he entered unruly tavern brawls.
Year of Birth
1284 DR 209 Years old
Strawberry blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
180 cm
Aligned Organization

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