The Isthmus Net Geographic Location in The Flying Flux | World Anvil

The Isthmus Net

A net of land bridges that connect two opposing sides of the Midlands. These land bridges run from one side of its inner surface to another, creating a net-like appearance from a distance.


Most of these isthmuses are large enough to hold entire neighborhoods, while others might only serve as narrow pathways for aspiring adventurers to fall from. These spectacular formations are fairly rare (seeing as how only around twenty exist) and are usually found further from the axis on which the Flux rotates. However, the largest Isthmus is actually a hollowed out tunnel that formed directly on its axis, providing heat to the ice-stricken Outlands. This also happens to be a vital part of the Flying Flux's weather cycle, but that's another article entirely.

Fauna & Flora

Like any other surface in the Midlands, these isthmuses are very fertile. Blanketed in grass and various gardens, they create a picturesque scene from just about any angle.



Alternative Name(s)
In casual conversation, most will simply refer to them as the "Midland land bridges".
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