Wyvern Species in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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Wyverns are aggressive reptilious predators that can be found throughout the Bright Lands. They are presumed to be kin of the rare and reclusive dragons.

Basic Information


Wyverns are slightly larger than a warhorse with a wingspan of 20 feet. Wyverns prefer to attack from the air, relying on surprise and their deadly stinger to catch and kill their prey, typically humanoids and large animals. Wyverns have two powerful legs used to launch themselves into flight and two bat-like wings used for flight and balance.

Genetics and Reproduction

Female wyvern can lay eggs once every three to five years.  A clutch consists of between 10 and 30 eggs.  Less than half will survive to maturity.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wyverns lay eggs in early spring (Pavera). The incubation period is roughly 100 days. Hatching occurs during high summer, in the first half of Aestiva.   Hatchlings are watched over by the male of the nest for four years until the alpha female of the nest drives them off to fend for themselves.   Recently exiled young spread out into the world to establish themselves.  Males will venture out alone or in pairs to hunt and wander far and wide.  Females will find a suitable site and form a Nest of three to five individuals and seek a worthy male to join them.

Ecology and Habitats

While they can be found throughout the Bright Lands, they prefer to nest in isolated, hard to reach places, like caves, mountains, deep woods, cliffs and swamps.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wyverns are carnivorous.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Young males hold no territory and travel as individuals, or pairs.  They are motivated almost exclusively by hunger.  It is these lone individuals that make up the majority of encounters humans have with wyverns.   Female wyverns are very territorial, and will form nests of between two and five adult females, and their one chosen male consort.  The females do all the hunting for the nest, and the male guards the eggs and raises the young.  Once the hatchlings reach a semi-mature state, the alpha female drives them out of the nest and into the world to fend for themselves.


Wyverns acquired while still in their egg can be trained for guarding, warfare, and, to a lesser extent, as mounts.  The process of training a wyvern is laborious and potentially deadly.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

A carefully extracted intact venom gland can be used in several alchemical formulae. Or, as a one use effect, it could be used to poison one weapon.   Adventurous animal trainers can attempt to train a wyvern to be a guard beast, or a flying mount.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The various sub-species of wyvern can be found throughout the Bright Lands.

Average Intelligence

Wyverns are possessed of slightly more developed instincts than the typical cunning one would expect from an apex predator.  But they are very much prey focused, and can sometimes be distracted by this biological drive.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wyverns have very acute senses.  Their eyesight can spot potential prey from great distances, even in low light.
Scientific Name
Draconus Viperna
50 years
Average Weight
2000 Lbs.
Average Length
10 ft. head and body. 16' tip to tail.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
  • Brown-green scale pattern on common wyverns.  
  • White or grey scale pattern on arctic wyverns.  
  • Red and black scale patterns on mountain wyverns.
Geographic Distribution
Common Wyvern 6 (18)   Motive: Hungers for flesh   Environment: Mountains, hills, and plains where large prey is plentiful   Health: 35   Damage Inflicted: 5 points   Armor: 1   Movement: Short; long when flying   Modifications: Perception as level 7; Speed defense as level 5 due to size   Combat: Wyverns prefer to attack from the air, moving up to a short distance and making three attacks (bite, venomous stinger, claws) as their action. If a wyvern has to fight on the ground, it can attack only with its bite and stinger on its turn. The stinger injects poison, dealing an additional 5 points of Speed damage (ignores Armor) if the opponent fails a Might defense roll. Because the wyvern hunts primarily out of hunger, it usually focuses its attacks on one creature, weakening the prey so the wyvern can carry it away and eat in peace.  
  • From Monte Cook Games' Godforsaken p. 132

Cover image: Creek River by Free-Photos from Pixabay
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