Rhigolia Geographic Location in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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The Borderlands

  The lands of the original Kingdom of Kinn called Rhigol was formed at the Head of the ancient southwestern lands near Temonoi Tempe. Rhigol would eventually be ruled after the War of Succession and the Dannor Agreement as little more than a puppet government and defacto colony of Nydeis from Athon until Andril appeared in 436 C.E. atop Temenoi Tempe.   After several large engagements lasting less than a year called the Crown War was won by the forces of Andril. When peace was signed, it was agreed that Rhigol would be temporarily split. Marking the territory between the newly formed Commonwealth of Andril in the south and east of the Kingdom of Kinn. Also referred to as the Borderlands, this new Rhigolia would stretch from the Fortresses of The Line north of Westhedge to the borders of Aaledon to the east and Yrdahn and Ethigoviel in the north.   The seat of power for the new nation would reside in the City of Athon until both would be joined together again upon the death of either Coronal Unther Drokoth of Andril or King Amon Kallakoth of Rhigolia when the crown of both kingdoms would transfer to the next in line of the surviving monarch. To seal the agreement Unther’s eldest daughter and Amon’s eldest son would rejoin their fractured bloodline and unite their kingdoms in marriage. Their younger siblings were also forbidden to wed until such time as control of the two nations fell to the eldest couple. In the event the joining would not be fruitful or some mishap would befall the young prince and princess the younger siblings would be wed to carry on the joining of the bloodlines. Once the pairing of the elder children proved fruitful however the younger couple were free to marry whoever they wished, but not before.   The temperate lands of Rhigolia are as varied as its people with old sylvan forests, mountains rising out of the seas on its western shores, plains of grasslands to the north and the wilderlands of Castelan Keep and the Laketowns give rise to this lands reputation as the Borderlands.
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