East Lucas Organization in The Farlands | World Anvil
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East Lucas

" East Lucas, the last surviving remnant of Old Lucas, it is a land that has known warfare and battle since its inception, and it is because of this past that they have been fractured, torn in two by a rift between the rising Church of Lucas and the well seated royal line. The rift was born and raised during the time of the Exire Campaign, a war of expansion by Aldous Lucidas The Greater, to extend their kingdom north east into the southern regions of the Goliath Waste in a bid to create the first human empire on the continent in the last 300 years. This vision died with its dreamer during the latter months of the campaign along with his son, leaving the kingdom's fate in the hands of the two sons of the prince, the sons became divided by the same rift they was breaking the kingdom, and break it did. The fallout from the end of the Exire Campaign caused the kingdom to split into two different kingdoms along the borders of Lake Lucas, the old seat of power for the kingdom." - Thornwood


The Great King or Magnus Regai rules over the kingdom of Lucas, it is through his wisdom and his justice that society prospers. He writes the laws and it is he who acts as judge for the lords and nobles of the kingdoms, acting to advise the king are his consuls called Consustrators , they are those given the ability to court the king and advise him in the ways of which he would have limited knowledge of, they are allowed to right policies but all thing written by ones other than the king himself must be brought to the king in order to be signed into law. The king has a council of seven consustrators, each one has a sphere of influence within the empire and each one has equal power compared to the other six, below the consustrators are the officers of the Administratus Corix, if the Consustrators are the head of the beast then the Administatus is the body. Their officers serve directly under the guidance of the Consustrators and the king himself, together they manage the economic, militaristic, religious, residential, and cultural workings of the empire. The enforcers of the Magnus Regai's will are the Praesidium, they are the armored hand of the Mangus Regai, they patrol the streets, pursue the criminal, and safe guard the populace of the empire, they can be found in every major city of the empire and even in some of the fringe settlements who do not yet have their own banner men and knights to protect them.


East Lucas has entered into the first long era of economic prosperity since its founding, all of the rebellious eastern lords have been silenced and trade has finally come back to the capital of the empire. This peace is seen by the people as a by product of both the split between West and East, and the fallout from the Exire Campaign, and with the help of the crown and the churches propaganda the old ways of war and expansion are still fresh and positive in the minds of its citizens. East Lucasean life revolves around the land, trade, architecture, agriculture, and war. Farm land within East Lucas is primarily delegated to massive vineyards and cocoa plantations in the far north and far south of the empire. Trade is conducted between the north western kingdoms of Sorrowel as well as some of the sea fairing kingdoms of Ardath, and is consolidated to the larger cities of the empire. The architecture is open and squared, and its typically built into the dense brush line of the jungle that the cities and castles are carved into. In both East and West Lucas, nature and civilization merge to create a truly stunning expression of Marble white and emerald green. As for their cultures warmongering ways, they have ways to distract the populace, and satisfy their bloodlust, in almost every major city in the empire there is built as massive coliseum or stadium in which are hosted gladiatorial fights, races, and mock battles, all of which are brutal and bloody displays of the worst that humanity can do to each other, the greatest of these is the Prolea Miximus in the throne city of East Lucas.


There are a few key settlements and cities that are spread across the bounds of the empire, the greatest of these is the throne city of Protea, located on the eastern banks of Lake Lucas it over looks the capital city of West Lucas, a safeguard against another war. To the north on the south eastern shores of Crescent Lake is Limus Ora, the northern most outpost city of the empire, responsible for trade between the northern kingdoms of Sorrowel, and the site of many of the foreign embassies of those kingdoms. The agricultural capital of the empire is the southern most city of Vellum, located along the shores of the river Telos, roughly 65 miles south of Protea. East Lucas boasts a very strong standing army that currently has been spread across the empire to secure these key cities, with them have gone contingents of siege and anti siege weapons, resting in the harbor of Protea is the Iratus Argosy, a small but specialized fleet of warships that act as both the sword and shield of Protea.


Lucaseans come from a long history of warrior kings and conquerors, Old Lucas was once a small feudal kingdom among a dozen other small kingdoms within the Veldin Jungle and Draconian Steppe, but the Lucaseans had a key advantage that the other kingdoms did not, they had access to a substantial amount of adamantine ore, harvested from a meteorite that crashed to earth centuries ago creating the crater that made the Lake of Lucas. With this metal they gained a huge leap in technology compared to their neighboring kingdoms and with this they conquered and annexed all the others into their growing empire. Old Lucas was split in two just a few months after the most recent expansion of the empire, birthing the kingdoms of West and East Lucas, one a dogmatic monarchal theocracy, and the other a darker shade of the warmongering, conqueror past of the old empire.


East Lucas controls the eastern lands of the Veldin Jungle, past the eastern shores of Lake Lucas, their influence stretches up through the coastal regions of the eastern Draconian Steppe, and the southern regions of the Goliath Wastes. Currently the territory within the Goliath wastes counts as an annexed territory which is being forcefully controlled by the empire to ensure a streamlined annexation. The lands within the Veldin Jungle have been held by Old Lucas since the early days of its expansion, when the ruler of that age struck out into the jungle and conquered the other petty kingdoms.

Foreign Relations

East Lucas is currently in a very tense cease fire with West Lucas, they will not trade with each other but they will not openly attack one another. The kingdoms that East Lucas openly trades with is the dwarven kingdom of the Fang Mountains, and the elves of Grand Jardin.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
True Lucas
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Mixed economy
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations


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