Bloody Squirrel Species in The Everglowing Forest | World Anvil
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Bloody Squirrel

The first dangerous animal we met was a squirrel. You are probably wondering how a squirrel can be dangerous and I would have probably reacted like you before seeing this huge monster. It was as big as a sheep with two huge fangs similar to the daggers I wore on my belt. As big and dangerous as it was, it had no reason to be aggressive but as soon as it saw us, it stopped eating, climbed up the tree and threw itself on Siora. Without blinking an eye, Bavas drew her sword and pierced the beast from side to side, saving the young elf's life.
— Chapter 4 of The Everglowing Adventure, Trynsys

Study on Bloody Squirrels

This work is extracted from the Book of Natural Science, chapter on Animal Species

About the size of a sheep, bloody squirrels are excellent hunters. Fast and agile, they move elegantly through the trees, always ready to pounce on prey. Once they reach adulthood, around 3 years old, young squirrels must survive on their own. The bodies of the males are not adapted to hunting, so they must quickly find a female that will provide for themselves and their offspring.
Living mainly in pairs, the bloody squirrel hunts alone. The male cares for their offspring and the female hunts. Because of this division of labour, the male has four smaller fangs, instead of two large ones, to make it easier to cut up the meat for his offspring. Squirrels are more agile in trees than on land, so they wait for their prey to stop before attacking it from the canopy. Even though they are big and very strong, squirrels only attack small prey the size of a fox. Animals that are too big or heavy are difficult to carry around in the trees.
~ 25 years
Average Height
~ 50 cm
Average Weight
~ 25 kg
Average Length
~ 75 cm

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Cover image: by Anastasia Romanova


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