Magna Mors Folium Species in The Eternity Forest | World Anvil
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Magna Mors Folium

Large Death Leaf

Height: Can grow up to 3'. Leaves can get up to 1' long. Petals on the flower get up to 4".

Color: Leaves are dark green. They have large veins in them that look like blood vessels from a animal or humanoid creature. The petals of the flower are bright red with orange dots, the center of the flower is yellow.

Uses: The leaves are deadly to the touch and can kill someone within minutes. They can be harvested but special glvoes are needed. The leaves can be used in various poisons. The flower is harmless more or less compared to the leaves. The petals only gives a rash if touched, due to how small and delicate the flower is compared to the long leaves, usually touching the leaves is unavoidable.

Enviroment: It grows best in a humid enviroment. The areas it grows are hot. Growing it for personal use is not recommended since the plant is so toxic. The Forest Sages studied it for a long time.
My theory on how it came to be named is that someomone found out the hard way the leaves kill you, more then likely a apprentice forest sage. Magna Mors Folium which basically translates to: Large Death Leaf. Didn't even get a name mentioned anywhere who wound up giving their life.  ~Fiona
Scientific Name
Magnus Mors Folium


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