Tianshis Species in The Eradinus Galaxy | World Anvil
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Tianshis (tea-awn-shes)

their presence offering comfort in the vastness of space, while their names, traditions, and innate traits reflect their resilient, enduring nature.

A people displaced by a stellar explosion, the Tianshis are a nomadic, spiritual people. Many believe this noble race originated from beings from higher dimensions. These people believe that everything happens for a reason, including the destruction of their homeworld.  

Quantum Chaos

  Many of the Tianshis were lost during the planet’s evacuation prior to the star Irondite exploding into a red supergiant. As a result, it’s rare, if not unlikely, that you’ll ever meet a Tianshi. While they are slowly repairing and rebuilding their great civilization, their numbers are still low throughout the Coalition. They have yet to find a new homeworld, leading them to live nomadic lives, bouncing from star system to star system. Tianshis are about 5 to 6 feet tall, and are rather lithe, ranging from 120 to 180 pounds. Tianshi skin ranges from a dusty gray to a dark purple-black color, with hair colors varying as much as human hair does. Their eyes are pupil-less and opalescent, glowing slightly in the dark.    

Satellite Race

Tianshis live for about 935 years without advanced medical technology. Many are found in small Tianshian communities, commonly on Coalition stations and outposts, ready to move at a moment’s notice. Many Tianshian communities have intense spiritual practices, as the destruction of their planet leads them to turn to spiritual retrospection on the meaning of life, creation, and the Universe. Tianshi are a wise and charismatic race, possessing strong insights and a powerful allure, almost like a magnetic pull. You’d be wise to listen to advice a Tianshi offers, though you might be hard-pressed to accept it. While polite and helpful, their advice might be hard pills to swallow. Currently, they are classified as a protected refugee species by the Coalition.  

The Tianshi Homeworld

Prior to the M-type star, Irondite, exploding into a red supergiant, the Tianshi lived on a large terrestrial planet known as Eternium. Eternium had thick cloud coverage, leading to cooler climates. Rumors have it that Eternium was in the direct path of a pulsar located in Marquis space, leading to a bombardment of particle waves hitting the planet. Some have theorized that this concentration of particle waves led the Tianshis to be able to connect with the cosmic microwave background, and allowed them to be able to learn more about the creation (and creators) of the Universe. When Irondite exploded, Eternium, its 3 moons, and its local docking station were eradicated as the star grew outward. Only about 500,000 of the previous 10 million were able to escape the star system in time.   Now, several extended families travel together, staying at the same spaceship, station, or colony. Each group is led by a shouxi, or chieftain, and is elected for life. This person often makes decisions for the group but can collaborate with the group’s elders on large-scale decisions, such as moving the group. The Tianshi place great value on close family ties as “Tianshi do not have a planet — neither a kingdom nor a republic — that is, no longer have an administration enforcing laws or edicts." For Tianshians, the basic 'unit' is constituted by the family and the lineage.” Sharing one's success is also considered honorable, and hosts will make a display of hospitality by offering food and gifts. Generosity is seen as an investment in the network of social relations that a family may need to rely on in troubled times.    

Intergalactic Wisdom

The ethereal wisdom of Tianshian crew members extends beyond their physical presence, creating a palpable sense of tranquility within the confines of interstellar vessels. Their spiritual roles aboard ships encompass a diverse array, ranging from being trusted religious advisors and clerics to serving as compassionate counselors, offering solace to those navigating the challenges of space.   Tianshi crew members seamlessly integrate their profound insights into the fabric of ship life, fostering an environment that transcends the clinical sterility of technology. As the ship's religious experts, they provide a source of comfort for diverse crew members, catering to a spectrum of beliefs and offering rituals that resonate with the spiritual needs of the intergalactic community.   Their role as resident clerics involves not only performing sacred rites but also acting as mediators during times of conflict, drawing upon their innate charisma to guide the crew toward harmony. The Tianshi's ability to connect with higher dimensions is often seen as a conduit for spiritual guidance, making them invaluable in fostering a sense of purpose and unity among the crew.   In the capacity of the ship's counselors, Tianshi crew members exhibit a unique blend of empathy and sagacity, helping their shipmates navigate the psychological challenges inherent in extended space travel. Their profound understanding of the interconnectedness of life and the universe allows them to offer perspectives and insights that go beyond conventional counseling approaches. The Tianshi's presence becomes a stabilizing force, grounding the crew in moments of isolation and existential contemplation.

Basic Information


Physical Dimensions

  Standing at a height between 5 to 6 feet, Tianshi exhibit a graceful and lithe physique. Their proportions are well-suited for both terrestrial and spacefaring activities, allowing them to move with agility and efficiency.   Tianshi possess a weight range of 120 to 180 pounds, contributing to their slender and nimble build. This weight distribution is optimal for their nomadic lifestyle, facilitating ease of movement across diverse terrains and within confined spaceship environments.  


One of the most intriguing aspects of Tianshi physiology is their remarkable lifespan. In the absence of advanced medical technology, Tianshi can live up to approximately 935 years. This exceptional longevity has been a subject of scientific fascination and has led to research initiatives to understand the biological mechanisms that contribute to their extended lifespan.   The aging process of Tianshi is gradual and marked by a slower decline in physical and cognitive abilities compared to shorter-lived species. This extended lifespan is believed to be intricately linked to their unique biology, possibly involving advanced cellular regeneration or other yet-to-be-discovered mechanisms.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproductive Strategies:   Tianshi reproduce through sexual reproduction, involving the union of male and female gametes. Tianshi families and lineages are crucial social units, as the absence of a planetary administration has shifted the focus to familial and lineage-based structures.   Fertility and Reproductive Health: Tianshi females typically have a lower reproductive rate compared to some shorter-lived species. This is compensated by the extended reproductive window, with females remaining fertile for a more extended period, contributing to the stability and growth of Tianshi populations.   Reproductive Rituals: Reproductive events are often celebrated through communal rituals within Tianshi communities. These rituals not only mark the continuation of lineages but also serve as occasions for spiritual reflection and connection to the cosmic forces believed to guide their destiny.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tianshi age at a rate comparable to humans during their early years, experiencing childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood in a manner familiar to Earth-based species. However, as they reach adulthood, their aging process significantly slows down, contributing to their extraordinary lifespan of approximately 935 Earth years.   Infancy (0-3 Earth Years): Tianshi infants experience a rapid phase of physical and sensory development during their first few Earth years. Care and nurturing within the family unit are crucial, as the foundation for emotional bonds and early cognitive development is established.   Childhood (4-12 Earth Years): The Tianshi childhood phase is marked by accelerated learning and exploration. Children engage in communal educational activities, where spiritual teachings and practical skills are imparted. The opalescent glow in their eyes becomes more pronounced as their spiritual awareness gradually awakens.   Adolescence (13-20 Earth Years): As Tianshi enter adolescence, they undergo physical changes and further refinement of their psionic abilities. This stage is characterized by a deepening understanding of their place in the cosmic order, and many undergo rites of passage that mark their transition to adulthood.   Adulthood (21-800 Earth Years): The Tianshi adulthood phase is extensive, encompassing the majority of their lifespan. During this time, individuals contribute to their family units, engage in spiritual practices, and often take on roles as advisors or leaders within their communities. Adaptability and resilience become key traits as they navigate the challenges of nomadic spacefaring.   Mature Adulthood (801-900 Earth Years): In mature adulthood, Tianshi individuals continue to contribute to the community, drawing upon their wealth of experiences and accumulated wisdom. Many take on mentorship roles, guiding younger generations in spiritual practices, leadership, and cosmic understanding.   Elderhood (901-935 Earth Years): The elderhood stage represents the final chapter of a Tianshi's life. Elders are revered for their accumulated knowledge and spiritual insight. Their role involves guiding the community, preserving cultural traditions, and preparing the next generation of leaders to continue the Tianshi legacy.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nomadic Foraging: Tianshi, being nomadic spacefarers, have adapted to a diet that relies on foraging and gathering from diverse celestial bodies. They utilize advanced technology to scan for and identify edible resources, such as exotic spaceborne fruits, nutrient-rich asteroids, or celestial flora with unique energy properties.   Energy Absorption: Tianshi have the ability to absorb cosmic energy directly, which supplements their nutritional needs. During periods of scarcity or when traditional food sources are limited, Tianshi can harness cosmic energy through spiritual practices, providing sustenance and reducing reliance on conventional food.   Ceremonial Respect for Resources: Tianshi hold a deep spiritual reverence for the celestial resources they harvest. Ceremonial practices are observed before and after acquiring food, emphasizing gratitude to the cosmic forces and ensuring a harmonious balance between consumption and preservation.

Biological Cycle

Energy Absorption and Storage: Tianshi possess a unique ability to absorb and store cosmic energy. This process is influenced by the position of celestial bodies and cosmic events. During periods of increased cosmic activity, Tianshi may undergo physiological changes, enhancing their overall vitality.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Tianshi, distinguished by their nomadic existence and spiritual depth, also boast a level of intellectual prowess that surpasses the average human capacity. Their advanced intelligence is a product of both their biological evolution and the profound spiritual practices ingrained in their culture.   Enhanced Cognitive Abilities: Tianshi exhibit heightened cognitive abilities, surpassing human averages in areas such as memory retention, pattern recognition, and problem-solving. This advanced intellect is believed to be a result of their unique genetics and the extended lifespan that allows for a wealth of accumulated knowledge and experiences.   Multidimensional Thinking: Tianshi intelligence is characterized by a multidimensional approach to problem-solving. Their perspective transcends conventional boundaries, allowing them to consider factors beyond the immediate physical realm. This holistic thinking contributes to their innovative solutions and strategic planning.   Intuitive Wisdom: Tianshi intelligence is not solely rooted in analytical thinking; it encompasses a profound intuitive wisdom. This wisdom, acquired through spiritual practices and cosmic reflection, allows them to grasp the underlying essence of complex situations and make decisions guided by a deep understanding of universal principles.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced Vision:   Tianshi possess an exceptional form of dark vision, allowing them to see clearly in low-light conditions. This evolved trait aids them during their nomadic travels in various star systems where illumination levels can vary widely.   The absence of pupils in Tianshi's eyes contributes to their unique vision. While they may not perceive colors with the same vibrancy as some species, their ability to discern subtle changes in light and shadow is highly advanced. This adaptation enhances their overall visual acuity.   The opalescent glow emitted by Tianshi eyes serves both practical and symbolic purposes. In addition to allowing them to see in the dark, this bioluminescent feature also plays a role in non-verbal communication within Tianshi communities, conveying emotions and intentions.   Cosmic Connection Tianshi are believed to have a profound connection to the cosmic microwave background, enabling them to sense fluctuations in universal energy. This extrasensory perception plays a role in their spiritual retrospection and may grant them insights into the broader cosmic forces at play.   In moments of deep spiritual connection or meditation, Tianshi may exhibit a heightened awareness of interdimensional realities. This ability allows them to glimpse into realms beyond the physical, providing them with a broader perspective on existence.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Names: Atanase, Caturix, Corneliu, Cristofer, Grigore, Ion, Ivantie (if you need inspiration, look up Romani names for boys). Female Names: Starlene, Zina, Rosella, Luminita, Anatasia, Alexendreina (if you need inspiration, look up Romani names for girls). Androgynous Names: Florin, Ileana, Imanuel(a), Nicoleta, Vasilica, Yetta, Kezia Family Names: Lakatos, Olah, Orsos,

Tianshi Traits

Your tianshian character has an assortment of inborn abilities, part and parcel of their nature.   Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 2   Age: You age approximately at the speed of humans, living to about 935 years   Alignment: Most Tianshi are true neutral   Size: Your size is Medium   Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Darkvision: You have Darkvision up to 60 feet.   Innovation: You can repair anything under 5 points of damage to half health, and you have advantage on repair checks for anything under 15 points of damage.   Hardy Past: You are resistant to heat and radiation damage.   Fortified: You have one additional 1d12 Hit Dice to use during a short rest   Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, as well as Astral, the language of the universe
Scientific Name
Homo tianshi sapien
935 Earth Years
Conservation Status
Safe Havens and Settlements: The Coalition has designated specific regions within its territory as safe havens for Tianshi populations. These areas provide a secure environment where the Tianshi can establish communities, rebuild their society, and practice their spiritual traditions without fear of persecution or exploitation.   Humanitarian Aid and Resources: The Coalition allocates significant resources to provide humanitarian aid to Tianshi communities. This includes food, medical supplies, and essential resources necessary for their survival. Specialized teams may be deployed to assess the needs of Tianshi settlements and provide tailored assistance.   Cultural Preservation Programs: Recognizing the importance of preserving Tianshi culture, the Coalition supports programs aimed at documenting and safeguarding their traditions, rituals, and history. Cultural experts may work closely with Tianshi communities to ensure that their rich heritage is not lost in the process of rebuilding.
Average Height
5-6 feet
Average Weight
120-180 lbs
Average Physique
Height and Build: Tianshi typically stand between 5 to 6 feet tall, showcasing a slender and lithe physique. This height range contributes to their agility and ease of movement in various environments, whether within the confined spaces of their spacecraft or during celestial exploration.   Weight Distribution: With weights ranging from 120 to 180 pounds, Tianshi possess a balanced weight distribution that allows for nimble navigation and a heightened sense of control in both microgravity and planetary environments. Their lean build aids in conserving energy during extended space journeys.   Adaptability to Gravity: The Tianshi physique is adaptable to varying gravitational conditions, a necessity for a nomadic species navigating different celestial bodies. Their musculature and bone density are optimized to mitigate the physiological impacts of altered gravity, ensuring stability and mobility.   Nomadic Resilience: The Tianshi physique embodies resilience, a characteristic developed through generations of nomadic existence. Their bodies are adept at withstanding the challenges of space travel, from cosmic radiation to extreme temperatures, ensuring their survival in the ever-changing cosmos.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tianshi display a remarkable array of skin tones, ranging from a subtle dusty gray to a deep, captivating dark purple-black. This spectrum of colors is not only aesthetically distinctive but may also serve as a marker of individual or familial identity within Tianshi communities.


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