The Old Kingdoms Organization in The Enther Chronicles | World Anvil
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The Old Kingdoms

The Old Kingdoms are the fabled kingdoms of the times before the Ancient Entherians takeover.    Not much is known about the Old Kingdoms, save the few relics and scrolls discovered over the past thousand years. Some of the names of these Kingdoms have been discovered such as the Fairfolk's ancestral home, the Kingdom of Alil, a predecessor to the area now known as the Plain's of Alil.   To the North sat the Old Kingdom of Neveah, a human kingdom known to be one of the most powerful kingdoms, theorised to be gouverned by Magic Users.


After the enslavement of all on the continent of Entheria by the Ancient Entherians the Old Kingdoms ceased to exist.    Once liberated and united by King Matheus, Hero of Enther and the other heros, the lands of western Entheria were united under one rule.
Dissolution Date
Around 1000 BBM
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Successor Organization
Notable Members


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