King Matheus, Hero of Enther Character in The Enther Chronicles | World Anvil
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King Matheus, Hero of Enther

King Matheus (a.k.a. Hero of Enther)

"The sword of Enther glistened with the amethyst blood of the Dark King. Matheus plunged his sword into the ground and fell to his left knee, weeping tears of sorrow and joy now the battle was won"  
  • From the fifth book of the holy scripture Book of Matheus 6:21
  • Matheus was a human man who rose to greatness, first as a slave of the Ancient Entherians, then as a prophet, war leader, and religious icon. According to the church’s scholars, Matheus was born into a desolated western tribe in 21 BBM in what would be now known as “The Long Day” as the sun shone for 62 hours, an anomaly that to this day is only explained as a miraculous sign from The One. His mother was father and mother were mere slaves in the mines much like the rest of the western humans. There they mined the magical and ultimately dangerous raw ore of Entherel. He had two siblings, Danelle his older sister, and Vinella, his younger.    In 11 BBM When he was ten his sister were both killed by the Ancient Entherians when they were taken to be given to the Entherites, the followers of the Ancient Entherians. The tibes people revolted when their young women were taken, however many of them were killed in the process and the revolt quickly supressed. This left Matheus traumatised but also resolute, so much so he vowed to himself to never let anyone take away those he loves. Over the course of the next few years, many of the western tribes noted Matheus’ defiance, though the proud Ancient Entherians saw an insolent slave   In 7 BBM at the age of 14, Matheus was visited by an unknown winged being. This being spoke to Matheus, not through voice but through the soul. The being told Matheus that he would ride the chariot of righteousness for The One. The One, whose power had been eradicated by the Ancient Entherians crushing the will and souls of their children, had chosen Matheus to be the sword in the darkness, to bring his children back to the light and into freedom. The being, placed their hand on Matheus' forehead and showed him The One's plan. As the winged being began to leave, Matheus asked their name. They answered back, Abellia, messenger of The One.   Matheus used his new found enlightenment to spread the word. The Western tribes were naturally the first who rallied behind Matheus. Tatically, the western tribes fought to liberate themselves, and established control of their own territory. Matheus would then proceed to seek out allies from over Enther. From the eastern tribes of Enther, he met Andrea, a beautiful maid whose beautiful and charm could sway any man, woman or child. From the wild north, the former kingdoms of the north, the hunter daughter of their chief, Merida. From the south, Sabine, a slave whose mental aptitude had saved many of his kin from the wrath of the Ancient Entherians.   The fifth to join would be an agent of the Ancient Entherians. An Entherite mage, imbued with magic from The Enther King himself would be sent with a force to annihilate the rumblings of rebellion. He would discover Matheus, but upon meeting him is given a vision from The One, whose powers had begun to return thanks to the rise of belief. Roseir would pledge his body and soul to Matheus and his cause, bringing with him some of the force he had brought to deal the Enther King's justice.


    Queen Andrea, Hero of Enther


    Towards King Matheus, Hero of Enther


    King Matheus, Hero of Enther


    Towards Queen Andrea, Hero of Enther


    King Matheus, Hero of Enther


    Towards Lenann, Queen of the Sidhes


    Lenann, Queen of the Sidhes


    Towards King Matheus, Hero of Enther


    A Young Matheus
    Divine Classification
    Human turned God
    Currently Held Titles
    Previously Held Ranks & Titles
    21 BBA 33 ABA 54 years old
    Circumstances of Birth
    Prophesied birth
    Circumstances of Death
    Departed for the Heavens through a portal.
    Iobelia Blue, Deepset with long lashes
    Shoulder length, auburn
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Tanned from endless hours working in the sun.
    Founded Settlements


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