Oskuwan Empire Organization in The Enther Chronicles | World Anvil
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Oskuwan Empire

Oskuwa is governed by a hereditary monarchy, with the Emperor or Empress considered both the political and spiritual leader of the kingdom. The royal family is believed to be descendants of celestial beings, and their rule is seen as a divine mandate. The emperor or empress is advised by a council of scholars, philosophers, and the highest-ranking Wushen masters.

Foreign Relations

For a century, Oskuwa and the Kingdom of Enther were embroiled in a devastating conflict known as the 100 Year War. The war ended just a few years ago, leading to a newfound peace between the two nations. Trade routes have opened, cultural exchanges are thriving, and diplomats from both sides are working towards mutual prosperity.   Half a century ago, a portion of Oskuwan territory rebelled, forming the independent "Free Cities of Owai." This breakaway faction sought to assert their autonomy, which led to ongoing tension with the Oskuwan Empire. The struggle for control over these cities continues to this day, with diplomacy, espionage, and military campaigns being used as tools in this power struggle.
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
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Peace Treaty

This treaty was established after the 100 year war between Enther and the Tang Dynasty.


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