Merida, Hero of Enther Character in The Enther Chronicles | World Anvil
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Merida, Hero of Enther

As the stories go, Merida was a descendent of the hunting clans of The Old Kingdoms. Unlike the humans Matheus was born into, Merida was born into a higher rank. Her rank was born to hunt and gather for the Ancient Entherians, and like the majoirty of Magic Users were better treat slaves than the humans toiling in the caves and mines.   Though an expert huntress she is also extremely kind to the creatures of Enther.    Merida was the fourth person to be recruited into Matheus rebellion. She found Matheus, Andrea and Sabine camping and taking refuge on their way to a village. Initially skeptical, Merida was swayed by the words of Sabine and pledged herself to the cause.    When the armaments were crafted, Merida recieved a dagger. Embued with magic, the dagger's tip had restorative properties should it pierce a living creature.
Divine Classification
Currently Held Titles
22 BBA 34 ABA 56 years old
Fiery auburn hair
Aligned Organization


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