Human Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Enther Chronicles | World Anvil
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Human Magic

In Aigea, magic is a natural physical phenomenon such as gravity or magnetism. Some people are born with the ability to interact with, control, and shape it. As magic tends to run in bloodlines, many kingdoms kept extensive genealogies of all families known to produce magical talent.   The first recorded signs of magic were with the Enthermen. It is believed by the scholars of Aigea that these beings themselves where so potent with magic that as they slumbered, their magic leaked into the world and brought life to the plains of Aigea. These has resulted in Aigea’s very nature being influenced by the magic brought into the world by the Enthermen. Aigea itself consists of a rare but powerful chemical element known as Entherium or Enther Stone. This element, which can be forged into tools and weapons, can “infect” areas with pure magic which can have devastating effects on the surrounding life forms.   Due to the high content of magic in the world, some humans have been able given a natural inclination for magic, being able to wield it in a variety of different ways. Some humans are more magically inclined as others. These beings, known under various names (Witches, Warlocks, Mages) have magic imbedded in their blood and can manipulate and use magic in a vast amount of days.   Conventional magic is believed to originate from the slumbering ancient Entherians, the beings who are believed to have been the first sentient beings. Slumbering before man or fairfolk came into existence.   Due to the magic properties in their blood, magical humans tend to have extended life spans, with some living way over the natural human lifespan. Though they have long lives, they are not immortal and suspect to all the ailments which humans are, though certain magically properties may help them extend their lives.   Since the fall of the Enthermen, human’s have considered the magic of Aigea now belongs to them, a gift from the God’s and a spoil from the war with the Enthermen, who treasured their magic more than anything.   In Enther itself, there are laws put in place around magic and those who wield it. The Word of the Five, the sacred text handed to Enther by the five heroes of Enther, says that magic is a tool given to them. Magic at first, was treat freely, with one of the Five Heroes Rosier, the first Warlock using magic to erect amazing structures, rejuvenate the land and teach others the way of magic. This however would change after what the World calls the “Fall of Rosier and Julius”. The sacred text retells the account of Rosier seducing Julius and plotting to overthrow Rosier’s friend, Julius’ father and King of Enther, Matheus. As a result, Rosier and his loyal followers where banished to the Underworld, where Rosier would serve as King of the dead.   From this betrayal, new laws were put in place to protect those who do not wield magic, and those who do from themselves. Firstly, all mages must be assigned with a Mage’s Guild which is run and overseen by the Crown. They can live normal lives, but any use of magic for self-gain is a crime. Mages can also sell their services to people, though they must run all employment through the Guild they are registered too.  

Forms of Magic

  Magic abilities usually take form in one of a number of ways. Mages can only generally produce one type of magic, though this is not always the case. Most magic falls under one of the below types, with many of them having many variations within them:  
  • Elemental - The ability to control, produce and manipulate natural elements.
  • Enhancement - The ability to transfer magic into items
  • Transmutation - The ability to change the state of something into another form including oneself. Often takes form in healing magic.
  • Binding - The ability to bind other creatures or sometimes spirits to the user.
  • Portal Magic - A rare magic giving one the ability to open rifts in space to transport oneself or others distances. Extremely sought after by non magic humans.
  • Divination - The ability to use magic to gain unfounded knowledge and visions.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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