Ravenscrag Building / Landmark in The Empty Throne | World Anvil


Ravenscrag |Headquarters of the Raven Circle

RAVENSCRAG is the home and martial headquarters for the Raven Circle knights-sororitas. While the structure has been rebuilt many times over the centuries, it still looks and feels like it does not belong here in this time. When looking at it the eyes may dislike the sweep of stone as it seems to grow from the protruding cliff without aid or maybe it is the color-a darkened stone that seems to gather in the light at sunrise and sunset. From the bridge, it looms off the cliff face like it grew naturally and commands the eye.


RAVENSCRAG KEEP is a storied and olden structure whose foundations were first carved from the mountains by Elder slaves. It was known as a place of dread and depravity as a succession of great Elders, or the same one for time immemorial, hied to the first construction for sport amongst the mountains. As this sport often meant the hunting of mankind through the mountains and the communities below. Untold generations lost family and friends to the grand hunts of their Elder masters and the fortification became known as the Corpse-Hall. Many still refer to it by that name to this day-the fear is etched into the bones of those whose families originated from here.

When the ELDER were thrown down, the Corpse-Hall was vacant for nearly two hundred years until brigands and rebels held it as their own. The Resolute Banner waged their war against RHONE from here in order to stop the annexation of the Upper Sword Coast into the kingdom. And it was here that Queen Moralei and her female warband found those embittered nobles and gave chase. When the deed was done and all of the BANNER were slain, the Queen granted the keep to the Raven Circle in -138 BL. It has remained in their hands ever since.

Founding Date
Varies (-138 BL for the Circle)
Alternative Names
Unkind Stone, Raven Keep
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

Cover image: by Mikhail Palamarchuk


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