Lauloena Cedarus Character in The Empty Throne | World Anvil

Lauloena Cedarus

Lady of Cedarus | Throne

Lady Lauloena Cedarus

The matriarch of the CEDARUS family, Lady Lauloena is responsible for the fall of this Old Rhuani household. The Lady Lauloena became erratic and paranoid after a rough fourth childbirth for her second son. The death of the infant within hours of being birthed is said to have cracked the Lady’s mind. She dreaded darkness, eschewed visitors and illuminated their entire seat throughout each night regardless of the cost or danger. Most disturbing of all, she refused to bury the infant’s body and is reported to have slept with it in her bed until it decomposed in her sheets.

Over the course of several years her behavior became more and more erratic. She began threatening people during sudden and violent outbursts—more than once her application of justice was brutal and out of proportion. These antics took their toll on the family as well as their line’s reputation. There is no clear answer as to why she was not removed from her seat. Historical records show that two of her siblings suffered tragic deaths around this time and many point to object lessons they served to the rest of the family.

By -97BL, the Lady’s mind had spiraled into places best avoided and her behavior was growing worse by the week. Unfortunately for the CEDARUS family, it culminated in her verbally attacking and threatening KING URYAS RHUANON’s life. Madness or no, the KING, influenced by others around him especially clergy, sentenced her to death and disenfranchisement of the family’s lands near Rhuvael.

She was beheaded and her body burned by the Church in the Winter of -96.

Date of Death
24th of Winter, -96 BL
141 BL 96 BL 45 years old

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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