Vash'aguul, the Old God Character in The Emergent Plane | World Anvil

Vash'aguul, the Old God

Before all else, there was Vash’aguul.   The first will, the oldest being in the universe. In fact, some might argue that Vash’aguul is, or was, the universe itself. A formless point of existence and nonexistence as one.   Then, at some unknown moment before time was time, Vash’aguul exerted its will, a surge of thought and emotion where such concepts did not exist. The result was the birth of the gods. Vash’aguul’s sudden usage of willpower had a cataclysmic effect on the universe, as the power of its thought fractured its very being, creating entities from the aspects of its will. Each of these beings was born embodying an aspect of Vash’aguul, creating the gods as they are now known.   The result of this devastated Vash’aguul itself, shattering its being and leaving it as a husk of itself when the gods severed from it, forming their own separate wills. Each God was an aspect of the existence that previously was Vash’aguul, the formerly omnipotent entity remaining only as an incomprehensible emptiness, devoid of anything and yet connected to everything in way that cannot be severed.   Vash’aguul was not destroyed by this act, but left as a separate will without desire. The paradox of existing as an entity of nonexistence has transformed it into a god that is, by mortal comprehension, inconceivable and insane. All the gods are irrevocably tied to Vash’aguul, and as such all beings are tied to it in the same way. All beings will cease to exist, and in doing so return to the Void that is Vash’aguul. It has no emotion, no desire, no form, and no will of its own, and yet it exists. As such, in order to comprehend its “existence”, mortals perceive Vash’aguul as the God of Death. Not necessarily more “powerful” than the other Gods, but existing as an unavoidable fact that cannot be defeated or destroyed. After all, you cannot destroy what does not truly “exist”. You cannot send Vash’aguul to Vash’aguul.