Gnomes Species in The Emergent Plane | World Anvil


Classification: Common Race   Standing around three feet tall and averaging about 45lbs, Gnomes are the smallest of the common races. One might confuse them as being small Halflings, but their pointy ears, thinner frames, and bright eyes hinting at a more impish nature are more reminiscent of Elves.   Despite being a race seen commonly throughout the civilizations of the world, Gnomes are considered to be a somewhat strange folk by many of the other mortal races. While often compared to Halflings, Gnome personalities are entirely different in a few respects. Most notably, while both races share an appreciation for life in general, Halflings have an appreciation for the world around them, whereas Gnomes have a fascination with living in itself. Gnomes are well-known for being intensely passionate regarding just about anything, and despite living for several centuries it is not at all out of character for a Gnome to seem as if they're always excitable or in a hurry, driven by the desire to enjoy as much of what the world has to offer with the time they have. This can be potentially be off-putting or even annoying to other races, who sometimes find Gnome personalities to be exhausting.   Gnomes were the second of the mortal races to be created by The Lord of Games, and his influence in shown most prominently in their mischievous personalities. Gnomes are fond of tricks, pranks, and surprises in general, as they believe them to be a pure expression of what life is about. To a Gnome, the unexpected is a gift, the unpredictable a pure distillation of life's essence. In subverting another's expectations, a Gnome believes they have reminded that person of the beauty of life's unpredictability. Most other races don't share this worldview however, which can make gnomes rather frustrating to interact with for some, especially since getting a straight answer from a Gnome can be quite the challenge.