Varulosph Geographic Location in The Elemental Chaos | World Anvil
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To the native Orcs and Men of the steppes and deserts, more fertile lands are prized and rare. They are nigh-impossible to reach, in the case of The Ashlands and The Endless North, or they are prohibitive to navigate and too humid for both themselves and their weapons, in the case of The Rusgan. As such, the discovery of what is now known as The Varulosph has lead to much conflict and war, as the various steppe clans considered it holy for its fertility. It holds much the same stature in the present day, as the seat of the Golden Empire of Arrboth and its capital of Beroba.


The southwestern coasts of Arrboth, at least to the east of The Ashlands, hold many patches of forest along with rather narrow beaches. Likely, the area was more forested in the past, but it still has many thriving forests within its grasslands. The western edge of the region is defined by ash, with black deserts making way to fertile grassy fields as the border travels northeast. The region's northern end is where the steppes start to become deserts, preventing access to both the Teleran homelands and The Endless North. The same deserts snake to the east and then southeast, forming much of its eastern border, while The Rusgan forms the rest in the south.   Flowing from north of The Varulosph's forests and grasslands is the Beran River, reaching the coast and forming a delta there. This river is fed by the Oasis of Beran, one of the great rivers of Arrboth that turns what would be a dry steppe into fertile land suitable for farming. This prized region is exactly where Beroba was founded. To the north and east, the area takes on more traits of The Midland Steppe.

Fauna & Flora

The Varulosph is not without its own threats. Griffons often migrate here to hunt from across the sea when winds are favorable, and bears and leopards alike roam the forests near the coast and river and the surrounding grasslands. Many less threatening species abound as well, from foxes to wild tapir. At the same time, the proximity to The Rusgan results in some endemic life that wanders in becoming infused with natural magic and increasing in size or ferocity. Some especially large and violent specimens of anything from bears to weasels have been spotted in the southeast of the region, and they are typically hunted on sight to prevent their spread.   The grasslands hold much of the same species as the steppes, with hyenas and their bipedal cousins existing in the region between being forcibly driven out by the empire. Rhinoceros are known to graze in the area, as do more timid herbivores such as gazelle. Fey still exist in the forests, also proving more common in the southeast, though they are not in particularly large numbers as many of them seem to be wary of the empire's capabilities.

Natural Resources

The only readily accessible source of lumber and farmland in Arrboth is also its main access to fishing and grazing areas. Apart from meeting all the basic needs to support an empire, there is still gold to be found in the water and the hills as well, though much of it has already been seized.
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